# NAME Blio - domms blogging "engine" # VERSION version 2.008 # SYNOPSIS Backend for the `blio.pl` command. See [blio.pl](https://metacpan.org/pod/blio.pl) and/or `perldoc blio.pl` for details. more docs pending... docs provided by gabor, need to be integrated: # CONFIGURATION The configuration parameters can be provided either in the configuration file that defauts to blio.ini or on the command line. The configuration file can look like this: name=Test site source_dir=src/ output_dir=. template_dir=templates/ The configureation file must exists. Otherwise you will get a warning like this: Specified configfile 'blio.ini' does not exist, is empty, or is not readable If no source\_dir provided or there is no src/ directory, you get this exception: Can't call method "done" on an undefined value at .../Blio.pm line 137. - name The name of the site in the title of the pages. Default to Blio - source\_dir The directory where the source files are. Each page of the site has a corresponding source file with .txt extension. Defaults to the `src/` directory relative to the current working directory where your run the `build.pl` script. - output\_dir Directory where the generated html files should go. Defaults to `out/` relative to the current working directory. - template\_dir The location of the template files. Defaults to `templates/` relative to the current working directory. As a fallback, there is a set of templates provided by Blio. They come in the share/templates directory of the distribution and are installed along the module. - site\_url - site\_author - converter - thumbnail TODO - there are more fields that need explanation. ## Source directory hierarchy The source directory defined using the `source_dir` paramater can havs subdirectories, but each subdirectory needs a 'parent' page. The name of the parent page is the same as the name of the subdirectory with the additional .txt extentsion. So if you'd like to have a `src/project/` subdriectory, you also need to have a page called `src/project.txt`. If there is no index.txt in the src/ directory, Blio will generate a default index.html file. This is not the case with subdirectories. ## Source files Each source file has a txt extension. It has several lines of header and a body. The module that represents each file is [Blio::Node](https://metacpan.org/pod/Blio%3A%3ANode). title: The Project date: 2013-02-10T00:27:53 language: en converter: textile tags: Perl This is the project page. The only required entry in the header is the `title`. TODO - there are more fields that need explanation. # AUTHOR Thomas Klausner # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 - 2024 by Thomas Klausner. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.