Graph::SocialMap - Easy tool to create social network map


        # The Structure of relationship
        my $relation = {
            'WorkWith'  => [qw/Marry Rose/],
            'ChatWith'  => [qw/Marry Peacock/],
            'DanceWith' => [qw/Rose Joan/],
            'HackWith'  => [qw/Gugod Autrijus/],
        # Generate a Graph::SocialMap object.
        my $gsm = Graph::SocialMap->new(relation => $relation) ;
        # People Network (Graph::Undirected object)
        my $pn = $gsm->people_network;
        # Save it with Graph::Writer::* module
        my $writer = Graph::Writer::DGF->new();
        # Weight of person (equal to the number of occurence)
        # Should be 2
        print $gsm->wop->{Rose};
        # Degree of seperation
        # Should be 2 (Marry -> Rose -> Joan)
        print $gsm->dos('Marry','Joan');
        # Should be less then zero (Unreachable)
        print $gsm->dos('Gugod','Marry');
        # all-pair dos (hashref of hashref)


    This module implement a interesting graph application that is called
    the 'Social Relation Map'. It provides object-oriented way to retrieve
    many social information that can be found in this map.

    The new() constructor accepts one argument in the for of 'hashref of
    arrayref'. The key to this hash is the name of relation, and the value
    of the hash is a list of identities involved in this relation.

    Take the synopsis for an example, the structure:

        my $relation = {
            'WorkWith' => [qw/Marry Rose/],
            'ChatWith' => [qw/Marry Peacock/],
            'DanceWith' => [qw/Rose Joan/],
            'HackWith' => [qw/Gugod Autrijus/],

    Defines 4 issues which have common people involves in, the relation
    'WorkWith' involves Marry and Rose, and the relation 'ChatWith'
    involves Marry and Peacock. By this 2 relations, we say that Marry is
    directly connected to Rose and Peacock, and Rose and Peacock are
    connected to each other indirectly, with degree of seperation 1.
    Likewise, Marry and Joan are connected to each other with degree of
    seperation 2.


    Once constructed, you may call the following object methods to retrieve
    further social network information.


      Affiliation network -- directly construct a network from given
      issue-people relation. Returns a Graph::Undirected object that is a
      bi-partie graph, one part of it present issues, the others are
      present people. Issue nodes and People nodes are connected if they
      are related.


      People network -- two people are connected if they are involed in at
      least one common issue. Return a Graph::Undirected object.


      Issue network -- two issues are connected if they involved at least
      one common person. Return a Graph::Undirected object.


    Kang-min Liu <>


    Copyright 2022 by Kang-min Liu <>.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    See <>