a) Math::Pari is the PERL interface to the PARI part of GP/PARI
   (version 2.*).  The info about GP/PARI is on
   The first 4 digits after the point of the version of Math::Pari
   reflect the latest version of GP/PARI it was tested with.

   The next paragraph is an excerpt from documentation inside Pari.pm:

     Package Math::Pari is a Perl interface to famous library PARI for
     numerical/scientific/number-theoretic calculations.  It allows
     use of most PARI functions (>500) as Perl functions, and (almost)
     seamless merging of PARI and Perl data.

b) In most cases, this module can be installed as all the others, by

     perl -MCPAN -e shell
     CPAN> install Math::Pari


     perl -MCPAN -e 'install Math::Pari'

   or (if you manually downloaded the archive)

     tar -zxfv Math-Pari-2.001200.tar.gz
     cd Math-Pari-2.001200
     perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install

   Possible complications are addressed in the file INSTALL:

     x) Not having Net::FTP installed and working, and not having
        GP/PARI build directory "nearby" (as parent, kid or sibling);

     x) Failing compile or configuration: wrong assembler
	architecture, wrong paricfg.h (CLK_TCK etc.);

     x) the rest of it...

   IMPORTANT REMARK: If you try to compile with a different
   configuration, please run

	make realclean

   in between.  Otherwise significant problems may arise.  [A typical
   symptom: the symbol overflow cannot be found.]

c) Due to the apparent recent breakage of PAUSE mirroring of my
   directories, CPAN may have not the latest-and-greatest version. :-(

d) How the tests work

   Lowercase test scripts translate native GP/PARI tests from GP
   syntax to Perl syntax.  You can get a better understanding of these
   translations by running the tests manually, as in

	perl t/all.t

   after install, or

	perl -Mblib t/all.t

   before install.  Currently two subtests of t/nfields 'leak' PARI
   warnings.  Until the test engine is taught to look-for/eat these
   warnings, they *must* appear.

e) Reporting bugs/problems

   I need to see the output of 

     perl Makefile.PL

   and the relevant messages "near the failure".

   elliptic.t subtest 41 often fails on GP/PARI itself, so currently I
   do not consider its failure to be a Math::Pari's bug.

f) Documentation to this package is contained inside Pari.pm. After
   installing it is accessible by standard means, like

     perldoc Math::Pari
     man Math::Pari

   and possibly in other forms particular for your system.

   A copy of documentation of the PARI library in POD format is
   provided as well, access it as Math::libPARI:

     perldoc Math::libPARI
     man Math::libPARI

   Since many POD converters are too stupid/buggy to process these
   docs, an alternative Math::libPARI.dumb is provided; use as in

     perldoc Math::libPARI.dumb
