NAME Template::Plugin::HTML::Template - HTML::Template filter in TT SYNOPSIS my $tt = Template->new; $tt->process('', { myname => 'foo' }); # [% USE HTML.Template %] [% FILTER html_template %] My name is <TMPL_VAR name=myname> [% END %] # HTML::Template parameters [% USE ht = HTML.Template(loop_context_vars = 1) %] [% FILTER $ht %] <TMPL_LOOP employee> <TMPL_IF __FIRST__>...</TMPL_IF> </TMPL_LOOP> [% END %] DESCRIPTION Template::Plugin::HTML::Template is a TT plugin to filter HTML::Template templates. It might sound just silly, but it can be handy when you want to reuse existent HTML::Template templates inside TT. AUTHOR Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <> darren chamberlain <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO the Template manpage, the HTML::Template manpage