Yars - (Deprecated) Yet Another RESTful-Archive Service


    version 1.33


    Create a configuration in ~/etc/Yars.conf

     url: http://localhost:9001
     start_mode: hypnotoad
       pid_file: <%= home %>/var/run/
       listen: [ 'http://localhost:9001' ]
       - url: http://localhost:9001
           - root: <%= home %>/var/data/disk1
             buckets: <%= json [ 0..9, 'a'..'f' ] %>

    Create needed directories and run the server

     % mkdir -p ~/var/run ~/var/data/disk1
     % yars start

    Upload a file:

     % md5sum foo.jog
     469f9b131cce1631ddd449fbef9059ba  foo.jpg
     % yarsclient upload foo.jpg

    Download a file

     % yarsclient download foo.jpg 469f9b131cce1631ddd449fbef9059ba


    NOTE: Development for this tool is winding down, and Yars is
    deprecated. Please contact me ASAP if you depend on this tool. Please
    see and/or comment on
    for details. Yars as a distribution may be removed from CPAN, but not
    before December 31, 2018.

    Yars is a simple RESTful server for data storage.

    Properly configured it provides consistent WRITE availability, and
    eventual READ availability. Once files are written to the storage
    cluster they are immutable (new files can -- even with the same
    filename) can also be written to the cluster.

    It allows files to be PUT and GET based on their md5 sums and
    filenames, and uses a distributed hash table to store the files across
    any number of hosts and disks.

    Files are assigned to disks and hosts based on their md5s in the
    following manner :

    The first N digits of the md5 are considered the "bucket" for a file.
    e.g. for N=2, 256 buckets are then distributed among the disks in
    proportion to the size of each disk. The bucket distribution is done
    manually as part of the configuration (with the aid of an included
    tool, yars_generate_diskmap).

    The server is controlled with the command line tool yars.

    The basic operations of a running yars cluster are supporting requests
    of the form

     PUT http://$host/file/$filename
     GET http://$host/file/$md5/$filename
     HEAD http://$host/file/$md5/$filename
     GET http://$host/bucket_map

    to store and retrieve files, where $host may be any of the hosts in the
    cluster, $md5 is the md5 of the content, and $filename is a filename
    for the content to be stored. See Yars::Routes for documentation of
    other routes.

    Failover is handled in the following manner:

    If the host to which a file is assigned is not available, then the file
    will be "stashed" on the filesystem for the host to which it was sent.
    If there is no space there, other hosts and disks will be tried until
    an available one is found. Because of this failover mechanism, the
    "stash" must be checked whenever a GET request is handled. A successful
    GET will return quickly, but an unsuccessful one will take longer
    because all of the stashes on all of the servers must be checked before
    a "404 Not Found" is returned.

    Another tool yars_fast_balance is provided which takes files from
    stashes and returns them to their correct locations.

    A client Yars::Client is also available (in a separate distribution),
    for interacting with a yars server.


 simple single server configuration

    This creates a single Yars server using hypnotoad with sixteen buckets.

    Create a configuration file in ~/etc/Yars.conf with this content:

     # The first half of the configuration specifies the
     # generic Clustericious / web server settings for
     # the server
     start_mode : 'hypnotoad'
     url : http://localhost:9001
     hypnotoad :
       pid_file : <%= home %>/var/run/
       listen :
          - http://localhost:9001
     # The rest defines the servers, disks and buckets
     # used by the Yars cluster.  In this single server
     # example, there is only one server and one disk
     servers :
     - url : http://localhost:9001
       disks :
         - root : <%= home %>/var/data/disk1
           buckets : <%= json [ 0..9, 'a'..'f' ] %>

    The configuration file is a Mojo::Template template with helpers
    provided by Clustericious::Config::Helpers.

    Create the directories needed for the server:

     % mkdir -p ~/var/run ~/var/data

    Now you can start the server process

     % yars start

  check status

    Now verify that it works:

     % curl http://localhost:9001/status

    You can also verify that it works with yarsclient:

     % yarsclient status
     app_name: Yars
     server_hostname: iscah
     server_url: http://localhost:9001
     server_version: '1.11'

    Or via Yars::Client:

     % perl -MYars::Client -MYAML::XS=Dump -E 'say Dump(Yars::Client->new->status)'
     app_name: Yars
     server_hostname: iscah
     server_url: http://localhost:9001
     server_version: '1.11'

  upload and downloads

    Now try storing a file:

     % echo "hi" | curl -D headers.txt -T - http://localhost:9001/file/test_file1
     % grep Location headers.txt 
     Location: http://localhost:9001/file/764efa883dda1e11db47671c4a3bbd9e/test_file1

    You can use the Location header to fetch the file at a later time

     % curl http://localhost:9001/file/764efa883dda1e11db47671c4a3bbd9e/test_file1

    With yarsclient

     % echo "hi" > test_file2
     % md5sum test_file2
     764efa883dda1e11db47671c4a3bbd9e  test_file2
     % yarsclient upload test_file2
     ... some time later ...
     % yarsclient downbload test_file2 764efa883dda1e11db47671c4a3bbd9e

    You can see the HTTP requests and responses using the --trace option:

     % yarsclient --trace upload test_file2
     % yarsclient --trace download test_file2 764efa883dda1e11db47671c4a3bbd9e

    And from Perl:

     use 5.010;
     use Yars::Client;
     use Digest::MD5 qw( md5_hex );
     my $y = Yars::Client->new;
     # filename as first argument,
     # reference to content as second argument
     $y->upload("test_file3", \"hi\n");
     # you can also skip the content like this:
     # $y->upload("test_file3");
     # to upload content from a local file
     my $md5 = md5_hex("hi\n");
     $y->download("test_file3", $md5);

 Multiple servers

  set up the URL

    When configuring a cluster of several hosts, the url value in the
    configuration must have the correct hostname or IP address for each
    host that the server is running on. One way to handle this would be to
    have a configuration file for each host:

     # ~/etc/Yars.conf on yars1
     url: http://yars1:9001
     # ~/etc/Yars.conf on yars2
     url: http://yars2:9001

    A less tedious way is to use the hostname or hostname_full helper from
    Clustericious::Config::Helpers. This allows you to use the same
    configuration for all servers in the cluster:

     # works for yars1, yars2 but not for
     # a client host
     url: http://<%= hostname %>:9001

  abstract the webserver configuration

    If you have multiple Clustericious services on the same host, or if you
    share configurations between multiple hosts, it may be useful to use
    the <%= extends_config %> helper and put the web server configuration
    in a separate file. For example:

     # ~/etc/Yars.conf
     % my $url = "http://" . hostname . ":9001";
     url: <%= $url %>
     % extends_config 'hypnotoad', url => $url, name => 'yars';
     # ~/etc/hypnotoad.conf
     hypnotoad :
       pid_file : <%= home %>/var/run/<%= $name %>.pid
       listen :
          - <%= $url %>

    Now if you were also going to use PlugAuth on the same host they could
    share the same hypnotoad.conf file with different parameters:

     # ~/etc/PlugAuth.conf
     % my $url = "http://" . hostname . ":3001";
     url: <%= $url %>
     % extends_config 'hypnotoad', url => $url, name => 'plugauth';

  generate the disk map

    Given a file with a list of hosts and disks like this called

     yars1 /disk/1a
     yars1 /disk/1b
     yars2 /disk/2a
     yars2 /disk/2b
     yars3 /disk/3a
     yars3 /disk/3b

    You can generate a disk map using the yars_generate_diskmap command:

     % yars_generate_diskmap 2 diskmap.txt > ~/etc/yars_diskmap.conf

    This will generate a diskmap configuration with the buckets evenly
    allocated to the available disks:

     servers :
     - url : http://yars1:9001
       disks :
       - root : /disk/1a
         buckets : [ 00, 06, 0c, 12, 18, 1e, 24, 2a, 30, 36, 3c, 42, 48,
                     4e, 54, 5a, 60, 66, 6c, 72, 78, 7e, 84, 8a, 90, 96, 9c,
                     a2, a8, ae, b4, ba, c0, c6, cc, d2, d8, de, e4, ea, f0,
                     f6, fc ]
       - root : /disk/1b
         buckets : [ 01, 07, 0d, 13, 19, 1f, 25, 2b, 31, 37, 3d, 43, 49,
                     4f, 55, 5b, 61, 67, 6d, 73, 79, 7f, 85, 8b, 91, 97, 9d,
                     a3, a9, af, b5, bb, c1, c7, cd, d3, d9, df, e5, eb, f1,
                     f7, fd ]
     - url : http://yars2:9001
       disks :
       - root : /disk/2a
         buckets : [ 02, 08, 0e, 14, 1a, 20, 26, 2c, 32, 38, 3e, 44, 4a,
                     50, 56, 5c, 62, 68, 6e, 74, 7a, 80, 86, 8c, 92, 98, 9e,
                     a4, aa, b0, b6, bc, c2, c8, ce, d4, da, e0, e6, ec, f2,
                     f8, fe ]
       - root : /disk/2b
         buckets : [ 03, 09, 0f, 15, 1b, 21, 27, 2d, 33, 39, 3f, 45, 4b,
                     51, 57, 5d, 63, 69, 6f, 75, 7b, 81, 87, 8d, 93, 99, 9f,
                     a5, ab, b1, b7, bd, c3, c9, cf, d5, db, e1, e7, ed, f3,
                     f9, ff ]
     - url : http://yars3:9001
       disks :
       - root : /disk/3a
         buckets : [ 04, 0a, 10, 16, 1c, 22, 28, 2e, 34, 3a, 40, 46, 4c,
                     52, 58, 5e, 64, 6a, 70, 76, 7c, 82, 88, 8e, 94, 9a, a0,
                     a6, ac, b2, b8, be, c4, ca, d0, d6, dc, e2, e8, ee, f4,
                     fa ]
       - root : /disk/3b
         buckets : [ 05, 0b, 11, 17, 1d, 23, 29, 2f, 35, 3b, 41, 47, 4d,
                     53, 59, 5f, 65, 6b, 71, 77, 7d, 83, 89, 8f, 95, 9b, a1,
                     a7, ad, b3, b9, bf, c5, cb, d1, d7, dd, e3, e9, ef, f5,
                     fb ]

    which you can now extend from the Yars.conf file:

     # ~/etc/Yars.conf
     % my $url = "http://" . hostname . ":9001";
     url: <%= $url %>
     % extends_config 'hypnotoad', url => $url, name => 'yars';
     % extends_config 'yars_diskmap';

    Also, if for whatever reason you are unable to use the hostname or
    hostname_full helper in your Yars.conf file, it helps to keep your
    diskmap configuration in a separate file that can be shared between the
    different Yars server configuration files.

    You can now run yars start on each host to start the servers. clad may
    be useful for starting "yars start" on multiple hosts at once.

  client configuration

    If you are using the hostname or hostname_full helpers to generate the
    URL in the serve configuration, then you won't be able to share that
    configuration with client systems. In addition you can specify one or
    more failover hosts for Yars::Client and yarsclient to use when the
    primary is not available:

     # ~/etc/Yars.conf on client systems
     url: http://yars2:9001
       - http://yars1:9001

  randomizing the server choices

    In order to more evenly spread the load over each node in the Yars
    cluster, you can randomize the servers that the client considers the
    "primary" and the "failover(s)":

     # ~/etc/Yars.conf on client systems
     % use List::Util qw( shuffle );
     % my @url = shuffle map { "http://yars$_:9001" } 1..3;
     url: <%= $url[0] %>
       - <%= $url[1] %>

 Accelerated downloads with nginx

    One of the advantages of Clustericious is that it integrates with a
    number of different webservers. You can do testing with hypnotoad,
    which comes with Mojolicious (and thus a prerequisite of Clustericious
    and Yars), and then deploy to production with a more capable webserver,
    such as nginx. The integration with nginx allows for handing off some
    of the workload to nginx; hypnotoad is good for serving dynamic web
    applications, but nginx is better for serving static files. So with
    this next configuration we will show you how to configure Yars to
    handle the selection of servers and disks and hand off the actual
    serving of the static file to nginx.

    Once again we put the nginx configuration in its own file so that we
    can reuse it with other Clustericious services.

     # ~/etc/nginx.conf
       - hypnotoad
       - nginx
     # we use hypnotoad to server the dynamic part of the app
     # and listen to the same port on localhost
         -<%= $port %>
       pid_file: <%= home %>/var/run/<%= $name %>
       proxy: 1
     # and we proxy requests on the main IP address through
     # nginx
       '-p': <%= home %>/var/run/<%= $name %>-nginx
       '-c': <%= home %>/var/run/<%= $name %>-nginx/conf/nginx.conf
         filename: <%= home %>/var/run/<%= $name %>-nginx/conf/nginx.conf
         content: |
             # autogenerated file
             events {
               worker_connections 4096;
             http {
               server {
                 listen <%= hostname %>:<%= $port %>;
                 location / {
                   proxy_pass<%= $port %>;
                   proxy_http_version 1.1;
     % if($name eq 'yars') {
                   # to accelerate downloads, for Yars only
                   # we set the X-Yars-Use-X-Accel header to
                   # any value.  This will trigger Yars to
                   # use nginx's X-Accel-Redirect to serve
                   # actual static files back to the client.
                   proxy_set_header X-Yars-Use-X-Accel yes;
     % }
     % if($name eq 'yars') {
                 # we need to make the static files available
                 # to nginx.  The /static prefix is to ensure
                 # that routes (future and present) do not
                 # conflict with physical files on your disk.
                 location /static/disk/ {
                   # internal makes sure that these files
                   # won't be served to external clients
                   # without going through the yars interface
                   alias /disk/;
     % }

    and once again, our Yars.conf file is short and sweet:

     % my $port = 9001;
     url: http://<%= hostname %>:<%= $port %>
     % extends_config 'nginx', port => $port, name => 'yars';
     % extends_config 'yars_diskmap';

    If you are storing large files in your Yars cluster the nginx default
    maximum request size will probably not be adequate. If you see an error
    message like this:

     % yarsclient upload large-file.iso
     [ERROR] 2016/09/30 11:23:48 (204) (413) Request Entity Too Large

    Then you need to set client_max_body_size

     http {
       server {
         client_max_body_size 0; # zero for no max

 Accelerate by not checking the md5 twice

    By default, Yars checks the MD5 of files before serving them to the
    client. Yars::Client and yarsclient both also check the MD5 sum after
    downloading. This saves bandwidth if automated processes attempt to
    redownload the same file if it is corrupted on the disk of the server.
    The chance of error is likely much higher on the network than it is on
    the disk, and if you prefer to do the check just on the client side,
    then you can use set the download_md5_verify to zero.

     % my $port = 9001;
     url: http://<%= hostname %>:<%= $port %>
     % extends_config 'nginx', port => $port, name => 'yars';
     % extends_config 'yars_diskmap';
     download_md5_verify: 0

    When you download files with other clients like curl or wget, the MD5
    check will still happen on the server side. You may request this check
    be skipped by setting the X-Yars-Skip-Verify header to any value.


    Thanks to Brian Duggan (BDUGGAN) for doing most of the initial work on
    Yars, and David Golden (XDG, DAGOLDEN) for describing Yars strength as
    "Write availability and eventual read consistency and availability".



      Perl API interface to Yars.


      Command line client interface to Yars.


      HTTP REST routes useable for interfacing with Yars.


      Automated upload / download of files to Yars for performance testing.


      Yars is built on the Clustericious framework, itself heavily
      utilizing Mojolicious


    Original author: Marty Brandon

    Current maintainer: Graham Ollis <>


    Brian Duggan

    Curt Tilmes


    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by NASA GSFC.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.