# NAME Acme::Pointer - We can access to data using address as the string # SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use feature qw/say/; use Data::Dumper; use Acme::Pointer; my $a = { a => 20, b => [1,2] }; my $b = "$a"; say $b; print Dumper deref($b); say "-" x 10; if ($b =~ /[A-Z]+\((.*)\)/) { print Dumper pointer($1); } # DESCRIPTION Acme::Pointer by passing the address as the string to the function, you can access that address. **THIS MODULE IS UNSAFE. DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCT.** # METHODS - `deref($ref :Str)` You can pass the following string to this function. CODE(0x7fd541a84a30) HASH(0x7fd541a84a30) ARRAY(0x7fd541a84a30) SCALAR(0x7fd541a84a30) If a character string other than these is passed, undef will be returned. - `pointer($addr :Str)` You can pass the string like "0x7fd541a84a30" to this function. # LICENSE Copyright (C) K. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR K <x00.x7f@gmail.com>