Tk::Date Module

Tk::Date is a date widget in development. See demos/ or the
examples subdirectory for usage examples.

To install, type

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install

For Windows NT and ActiveState Perl, replace "make" with "nmake", if
you have the Visual C++ compiler available. Otherwise, just copy to C:\Perl\lib\site\Tk.

Additional requirements (it's not essential, but recommended):
Tk-GBARR-2.01.tar.gz or better. For full functionality of the "get"
method, either the POSIX or Date::Format module is also needed.

After installation, you may start the "widget" program to invoke the
Tk::Date demonstration (it's in the "User Contributed Demonstrations"
section). The demo is also startable with "make demo" before

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