Text::Printf version 1.00

This module provides a simple, lightweight templating mechanism. This
is in contrast to most (or all?) other CPAN templating modules, which
try to be as full-featured as possible.  Text::Printf does not require
you to buy into any complex syntax, or filesystem layout, or anything
like that.

Text::Printf can be used in two ways.  The simpler way is via tsprintf,
a templated version of sprintf:

    $str = tsprintf '2 {{fruit}} + 3 {{fruit}} = 5 {{fruit}}',
                     {fruit => 'apples'};
    # Result: "2 apples + 3 apples = 5 apples"

The other way is to create a Text::Printf object with a string of
boilerplate text.  Then later, you pass the object a hash of
substitution keywords and values, and it returns the filled-in result


    $template = Text::Printf->new(<<END_TEMPLATE);
    Dear {{to}},
        Have a {{day_type}} day.
    Your {{relation}},

    $letter1 = $template->fill (
         {to       => 'Professor Dumbledore',
          relation => 'friend',
          day_type => 'swell',
          from     => 'Harry',

    $letter2 = $template->fill (
         {to       => 'Lord Voldemort',
          relation => 'sworn enemy',
          day_type => 'rotten',
          from     => 'Harry',

That's it.  No control flow, no executable content, no filesystem
access.  Never had it, never will.


To install this module, use the following four commands:

   perl Build.PL       or    perl Build.PL --install_path lib=...
   ./Build test
   ./Build install   or   ./Build install --options

If you do not have Module::Build, use the old-style installation:

   perl Makefile.PL    or    perl Makefile.PL LIB='my/install/path'
   make test
   make install

On Windows, you will need to use 'nmake' instead of 'make'.


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

  Test::More      (used by the test suite only)


Eric J. Roode, roode @ cpan . org

Copyright (c) 2005-2008 by Eric J. Roode. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.  See copyright statement in the
module documentation.

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If you find any bugs, or if any behavior of Text::Printf surprises
you, I would be grateful if you could send me an email message about
it.  Thanks.