Dear Emacs, please make this -*-Text-*- mode! ************************************************** * * * 3.3 SERIES NEWS * * * ************************************************** CHANGES IN R VERSION 3.3.0 UPDATES o Cleaned up the code in the MultiWilcoxonTest class so it can be inherited in a reasonable way by other classes and packages that want to implement an empirical bayes approach for high dimensional data anlayses. CHANGES IN R VERSION 3.2.0 UPDATES o Added an '' method to the MultiLinearModel class. CHANGES IN R VERSION 3.1.6 UPDATES o Modified S4 classes to avoid using recently deprecated or discouraged elements. CHANGES IN R VERSION 3.1.0 ADMINISTRATIVE o Changed the LICENSE to Apache 2.0. CHANGES IN R VERSION 3.0.1 GENERAL o Moved to R-Forge. BUG FIXES o Made compatible with new R check steps that verify DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE dependencies. CHANGES IN R VERSION 3.0.0 STRUCTURAL CHANGES o Removed dependence on PreProcess. CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.15.0 BUG FIXES o Documentation updates. CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.14.0 NEW FEATURES o Compatibility changes related to R-2.14. CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.12.0 NEW FEATURES o Added regression tests to support code maintenance; no user-visible changes. CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.10.1 NEW FEATURES o Moved matrix operations into oompaBase package to simplify other package dependencies. CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.10.0 NEW FEATURES o Checked compatibility with R 2.10.0. CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.9.0 NEW FEATURES o Added support for namespaces BUG FIXES o Changed 'matrixMean', 'matrixVar', 'matrixT', and 'MultiTtest' to allow them to give sensible results in the face of missing data. Each function now has an additional argument, 'na.rm' which defaults to 'FALSE' for the matrix functions and to 'TRUE' for the 'MultiTtest' function. o Changed the names of matrix functions for t-test variants to conform to capitalization conventions. Specifically, changed from 'matrixpairedT' to 'matrixPairedT' and from 'matrixunequalT' to 'matrixUnequalT'.