-lfproQC 1.4.0 (October 10, 2024) -The links for 'lfproQC Shiny app' (https://dabiniasri.shinyapps.io/lfproQC and http://omics.icar.gov.in/lfproQC) has added in the R package. __________ -lfproQC 1.3.0 (September 30, 2024) -The best_combination function has been updated to handle both peptide and protein datasets. -The best_combination function now includes the NRMSE value result. -Github repository has created. __________ -lfproQC 0.3.0 (September 13, 2024) -Variable names in the output normalized and imputed datasets have been updated to reflect the order of normalization and imputation methods applied. This change helps users easily identify and understand the specific methods used on the dataset. -A GitHub repository for the 'lfproQC' R package has been created and mentioned in the 'DESCRIPTION' file. __________ -lfproQC 0.2.0 (September 6, 2024) -The best_combination() function has been modified to handle proteomics data with an unequal number of sample replications. __________ -lfproQC 0.1.0 (May 23, 2024) -Initial release of the package. __________