=== mc2d === Version 0.2-1 ============= BUG FIX - a bug in ggtornado - an issue in pert and triangular distribution when min, mode and max were < .Machine$double.eps^0.5 NEW FUNCTIONS - spaghetti (and ggplot2 version "ggspaghetti"): plot a spaghetti plot (method for mc or mcnode objects) - gghist : equivalent to hist, in the gglplot2 framwork (method for mc or mcnode objects) - ggplotmc : equivalent to plot, in the gglplot2 framwork (method for mc or mcnode objects) Version 0.2-0 ============= NEW DISTRIBUTIONS - Beta subjective distribution (d, p, q, rbetasubj) - Minimum Quantile Information Distribution (d,p,q,rmqi) NEW FUNCTIONS - spaghetti (and ggplot2 version "ggspaghetti"): plot a spaghetti plot (method for mc or mcnode objects) - gghist : equivalent to hist, in the gglplot2 framwork (method for mc or mcnode objects) - ggplotmc : equivalent to plot, in the gglplot2 framwork (method for mc or mcnode objects) Version 0.1-22 ============= BUG FIX - one bug in rpert Version 0.1-21 ============= BUG FIX - one bug in rpert Version 0.1-20 ============= NEW FEATURES - lognormb distribution: a lognormal distribution with arithmetic mean and sd parametrization. - Pert and triangular distribution as an alternative parametrization using the mean Version 0.1-18 ============= BUG FIX - potential bugs linked to the default limit of 60 characters in the deparse function. Let to errors in hist, plot, converg, ... Version 0.1-17 ============= BUG FIX - one bug in rtriang, rpert, rbetagen corrected (error when the length of the arguments differed) Version 0.1-16 ============= BUG FIX - one bug in rtriang corrected (returned 1 when min == mode == max) - one error in the manual was corrected Version 0.1-15 ============= BUG FIX - one bug in mcstoc for multivariates nodes with truncation was corrected Version 0.1-14 ============= BUG FIX - one bug for multivariates nodes with truncation was corrected - addition of tests for truncations (function rtrunc and mcstoc (option trunc=TRUE)). Some unexpected results linked to rounding errors could be obtained for some extreme truncations (see examples). Note that it is not possible to catch all errors and a warning is now provided in the documentation. IMPROVEMENTS - pert is definitively better and quicker. - the vignettes were revised Version 0.1-13 ============= BUG FIX - pert, betagen and triang functions were slow in previous versions. This is fixed - some of the rdist functions returned matrixes when some of the arguments were matrixes - all parameters but the first one are now vectorized in the univariate p, d, q, r distribution functions Version 0.1-12 ============= BUG FIX - a bug in the definition of d2V and d3V in the mc2dLmEnglish vignette - a bug in dmultinomial with log = FALSE: it led to NA values NEW FEATURES - creation of a NAMESPACE for R.2.14 compliance - additionnal xlim and ylim arguments in plot.mc Version 0.1-11 ============= BUG FIX - rtriang was really slow in Version 0.1-10 Version 0.1-10 ============= NEW FEATURES - dempiricalC is now vectorized and improved - better control of limit cases in distributions BUG FIXES - major correction: dbetagen and dpert led to wrong values - major correction: mcapply led to incorrect results when the function returned a vector of length n and if margin was 'unc' or 'variates' - one bug in extractvar led to errors Version 0.1-9 ============= NEW FEATURES - dmultinormal, a vectorized version of dmvnorm IMPROVEMENTS - all p- d- q- r-distributions return numeric(0) if the first argument (x, q, p or n) are numeric(0) BUG FIXES - dmultinomial led to errors Version 0.1-8 ============= NEW FEATURES - pmin.mcnode and pmax.mcnode - a second vignette IMPROVEMENTS - error message in mc when one argument was neither an mc nor an mcnode BUG FIXES - rempiricalC and qempiricalC lead to errors Version 0.1-7 ============= NEW FEATURES - The documentation is now a real vignette - mcratio, a function to measure variability and uncertainty - extractvar and addvar, two utilities for multivariate nodes IMPROVEMENTS - Ops.mcnode function is much more efficient and less memory consuming - great improvement for speed in mcstoc for multivariate distributions - plot.mc proposes to fill the envelopes - empiricalD is (a little bit) more efficient BUG FIXES - lhs: could bug when sent without default distribution. Now, distr="runif" by default. - lhs: nsv = ndvar() and nsu = ndunc() by default - mcstoc: issue when rtrunc with linf or lsup as multivariate nodes: solved - rtrunc: issue for discrete distribution. It is now clear that rtrunc sample within (linf, lsup]. As a consequence, linf should be strictly lower than lsup - same issue in mcstoc Version 0.1-6 ============= BUG FIXES - Pert distribution: could bug when is.equal(mu,mode) while mu!=mode. - mcprobtree: allows now to use mcvalues with a type different of the type of the ouptut Version 0.1-5 ============= - Initial release on CRAN.