This file documents updates and changes in the package mvord changes in version 1.2.5 (2024-08-26) - added Authors@R - fixed example 3 in vignette_mvord2.Rmd - in marginal_predict(), predict() and joint_probabilities() newdata can now contain no response variable; - adjusted docu for joint_probabilities() changes in version 1.2.4 (2024-07-01) - change handling of data argument to work also with tibbles changes in version 1.2.3 (2024-04-18) - fixed bug in transf_thresholds_fixall changes in version 1.2.2 (2024-02-27) - changed maintainer changes in version 1.2.1 (2024-01-10) - fixed bugs from the change NCOL(NULL) returns 0 rather than 1 changes in version 1.2.0 (2022-11-18) - added essay_data to mvord datasets - added a combis argument in mvord.control which allows the specification of the combinations to be used, if user does not want to use all. - for logit link replaced mnormt::sadmvt with mvtnorm::pmvt. Function sadmvt cannot not handle dimension larger than d=20 - fixed bug for standard error when threshold.coef are e.g., rep(1:3, 3). changes in version 1.1.1 (2020-03-16) - fixed bug for value0 with cor_ar1 changes in version 1.1.0 (2020-11-17) - speed up in PL_fun - minimal changes in the 10+ decimal places for some specific lead to minimal deviations in the optimization results of the general purpose optimizers. In some cases more evaluation steps are needed. - implementation of PL_fast - fixed bug in vector constraints for coef changes in version 1.0.2 (2020-08-31) - fixed bug in prediction with categorial variables with newdata changes in version 1.0.1 (2020-05-27) - changes in checks due to new treatment when combining ordered factors in R 4.0.1. changes in version 1.0.0 (2020-04-17) - publication in Journal of Statistical Software changes in version 0.3.6 (2019-09-22) - fixed bug in thresholds checks for two binary responses changes in version 0.3.5 (2019-03-06) - added suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) in tests changes in version 0.3.4 (2019-02-20) - two additional arguments have been added to the error structures: value = numeric(0) (for initial values) and fixed = FALSE (for allowing the user to fix the parameters of the error structure to the values specified in argument value) - efficiency improvements by using, paste0, seq_len, seq_along where possible changes in version 0.3.3 (2018-10-30) - fixed bug standard errors with threshold.constraints changes in version 0.3.2 (2018-10-03) - function polycor() for polychoric correlations is now available - added packages minqa, BB, ucminf and dfoptim as dependencies changes in version 0.3.1 (2018-06-12) - out-of-sample predictions are now available - additional examples are now available in an additional vignette changes in version 0.3.0 (2018-05-03) - new model design with multiple measurement objects MMO and MMO2 (former mvord2()) - removed function mvord2() - removed argument scale (covariates are scaled internally for optimizer) - fixed bug in standard errors with binary outcomes - removed argument response.names (if specific ordering is desired this can be performed by an ordered factor for the multiple measurement index) - additional input types are now applicable for ordinal response variables - fixed bug trace - control = mvord.control() - additional checks - new function name marginal_predict() (instead of marginal.predict()) - new function name joint_probabilities() (instead of get.prob()); type "class" instead of "class.max" - new function name error_structure() (instead of get_error_struct()) changes in version 0.2.1 (2017-11-29) - adapted predict(), get.prob(), marginal.predict() - added contrasts as argument to mvord() and mvord2() - fixed bug in VGAM design of coef.constraints - changed internal design matrices changes in version 0.2.0 (2017-11-10) - implemented nobs.mvord() - implemented vcov.mvord() - implemented terms.mvord() - implemented model.matrix.mvord() - implemented fitted.mvord() - implemented logLik.mvord() - AIC() and BIC() are now available - additional argument scale - new (additional) design for coef.constraints in analogy to constraints in VGAM - category-specific regression parameters - additional argument offset - new class "mvlink" - implemented coef.constraints() - logPL(), claic() and clbic() are not exported anymore. use logLik(), AIC() and BIC() instead. - renamed cor_general, cor_ar1, cor_equi, cov_general - implemented names_constraints() changes in version 0.1.0 (2017-10-17) - changed function name from multord() to mvord() - changed function name from multord2() to mvord2() - implemented predict function() - implemented predict.marginal function() - implemented get.prob function() - changed link probit to mvprobit() - changed link logit to mvlogit(df = 8L); default value of degrees of freedom is 8 - implemented a more flexible multivariate logistic distribution with logistic marginals and t copula (df are settable) - additional argument PL.lag