--- title: "Simulating trials with survival endpoints" author: John Aponte output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Simulating trials with survival endpoints} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} editor_options: markdown: wrap: 72 --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## Introduction We can use objects of the class SURVIVAL to simulate surviving times in clinical trials. We present one example in which we want to estimate the empirical power to detect significantly a vaccine efficacy. The empirical power is define as the percentage of times the p-value for the coefficient that indicates the treatment is equal or below 0.05. ```{r setup} library(survobj) library(survival) ``` ## Empirical power for superiority Assumptions: - We made 1000 simulations - There are 250 participants in each group, one group is control and the other is vaccinated - The vaccine efficacy is 40% (i.e the hazard ratio is 1-40/100 = 0.6) - The control group follows an exponential distribution with 40% of subjects having an event at time 12 months (365.25 days) - The simulated data is analyzed using Cox regression. - We estimate the empirical power as the percentage of the simulations where the p-value of the coefficient for the group is 0.05 or lower. We present the empirical power and the distribution of the total number of events and the estimated vaccine efficacy ```{r simulation1, fig.align='center', fig.width= 7, fig.height=5} # Number of simulations nsim = 1000 # Participants in each group nsubjects = 250 # Vaccine efficacy ve = 40 # Hazard ratio hr = 1-ve/100 # Follow-up time ftime <- 12 # Fail events in controls fail_control = 0.4 # Define Object with exponential distribution for events in controls s_events <- s_exponential(fail = fail_control, t = ftime) ``` ## Simulation ```{r simulation, eval= FALSE} set.seed(12345) # Define the group for the subjects group = c(rep(0, nsubjects), rep(1, nsubjects)) # Define the hazard ratio according to the group hr_vector <- ifelse(group ==0,1,hr) # Loop sim <- lapply( 1:nsim, function(x){ # Simulate survival times for event sim_time_event <- s_events$rsurvhr(hr_vector) # Censor events at end of follow-up. cevent <- censor_event(censor_time = ftime, time = sim_time_event, event = 1) ctime <- censor_time(censor_time = ftime, time = sim_time_event) # Analyze the data using cox regression reg <- summary(coxph(Surv(ctime, cevent)~ group)) # Collect the information pval = reg$coefficients["group","Pr(>|z|)"] ve = (1- exp(reg$coefficients["group","coef"]))*100 nevents = reg$nevent # return values return(data.frame(simid = x, pval,ve, nevents)) } ) # Join all the simulations in a single data frame sim_df <- do.call(rbind, sim) ``` ```{r loadsimul, include=FALSE } # The simulation takes to much time to be included in CRAN # Load a previous simulation load("sim_df.rda") ``` ## Analyze the simulation ```{r analyze} empirical_power = binom.test(sum(sim_df$pval <= 0.05), length(sim_df$pval)) empirical_power$estimate empirical_power$conf.int # Distribution of the simulated VEs} summary(sim_df$ve) # Distribution of the simulated number of events summary(sim_df$nevents) ``` ## Conclusion The simulation provides an estimate of the empirical power of `r round(empirical_power$estimate*100,1)`% with a 95%CI of ( `r round(empirical_power$conf.int[1]*100,1)`%, `r round(empirical_power$conf.int[2]*100,1)`% ) As reference, the output of power calculation using PASS 2021(R) using the same parameters ![](report_pass.png)