Package: bpalogin Version: 2.0 Revision: 12 Maintainer: Jeremy Higgs Depends: daemonic Source: SourceDirectory: %n Source-MD5: 9a2ae0b2a05c32f6cd71a07f4004ad58 InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/etc mkdir -p %i/sbin cp bpalogin.conf %i/etc cp bpalogin %i/sbin chmod 0600 %i/etc/bpalogin.conf << DocFiles: COPYING CREDITS README PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then daemonic disable bpalogin fi << PostInstScript: << echo "You should now edit your PREFIX/etc/bpalogin.conf file to reflect your login and password used to connect. This file is readable and writable only by the root user. To edit it, you will have to become root. e.g. sudo %p/etc/bpalogin.conf" << ConfFiles: %p/etc/bpalogin.conf DaemonicFile: << Login client for the BigPond Cable service. BPALogin %p/sbin/bpalogin -c %p/etc/bpalogin.conf << Description: Login client for BigPond Cable DescDetail: << BPALogin is a client that enables the user to login to the BigPond Broadband cable ISP in Australia. << DescPackaging: << Startup script provided for Daemonic. ConfFiles set to handle config file properly. << License: GPL Homepage: