Package: ispell-french Version: 1.0 Revision: 1 Depends: ispell Description: French ispell dictionary DescDetail: << This is the "Francais-GUTenberg" French dictionary for use with ispell. << Source: Source-MD5: 2c76980419efb6bda122a5e0e85c9247 SourceDirectory: Francais-GUTenberg-v%v Patch: %n.patch CompileScript: << /usr/bin/printf "o\nn\nn\no\no\no\nn\no\nn\nn\n" | ./makehash << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib cp francais.aff francais.hash %i/lib/ << DocFiles: ALIRE HISTORIQUE GPL* docs/reference.pdf DescPort: << - The makehash script wrongly thinks by default that ispell is not compiled for 8 bit characters. - The following sub-dictionaries are compiled in: nonverbes.dico verbes-gp12.dico verbes-gp3.dico verbes-varia.dico informatique.dico math.dico noms_propres.dico typo.dico - The following optional dictionaries are not compiled in: abrev.dico helvetismes.dico nonverbes-rares.dico verbes-rares.dico - No standalone TeX dictionary (but works with TeX in (X)emacs, both 7 bit and 8 bit) << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Martin Costabel