Package: latex2html Version: 2002-2-1 Revision: 3 Depends: tetex-base, ghostscript | ghostscript-nox, netpbm-bin Source: SourceRename: latex2html-%v.v1.71.tar.gz SourceDirectory: latex2html-%v Source-MD5: a79cda0648c8721ab6df5020cd11e220 ConfigureParams: --with-texpath=%p/etc/texmf.local/tex/latex/html --with-mktexlsr=/bin/ls InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d << DocFiles: BUGS Changes FAQ INSTALL LICENSE MANIFEST README TODO License: OSI-Approved PostInstScript: << if [ -f %p/bin/mktexlsr ]; then %p/bin/mktexlsr %p/etc/texmf.local; fi << PostRmScript: << if [ -f %p/bin/mktexlsr ]; then %p/bin/mktexlsr %p/etc/texmf.local; fi << Description: Converts LaTeX documents to HTML DescPackaging: << The source file changed in October 2004 without the name changing. We have thus made a new fink package based on the new source file, and we rename it for storage within fink. One of the changes was a version number within the file, which changed from 1.70 to 1.71. << DescPort: << We substitute /bin/ls for mkteklsr during compile/install to avoid problems if mktexlsr is not present on the system. We run mktexlsr (if present) in a Post Install script instead. Thanks to Ross Moore and Daniel Steffen for modifying the upstream code to enable the DESTDIR method. << Homepage: Maintainer: Dave Morrison