Package: psmulti-dna Version: 1.1.2 Revision: 1 Description: The Multi-talented postscript filter License: GPL Maintainer: Todai Fink Team Depends: system-perl # Downloaded from Source: SourceDirectory: %n Source-MD5: 670c45eda4eb65d6b206e77d9ec33fb9 PatchScript: << sed -i.bak -e 's|/opt/gnu/bin/perl|/usr/bin/perl|g' \ -e 's|/usr/ucb/install|/usr/bin/install|g' Install << CompileScript: # nothing to do InstallScript: << ./Install -b %i/bin -l %i/share/%n -m %i/share/man for f in %i/bin/* ; do sed -i.bak 's|%d||g' ${f} ; rm -f ${f}.bak ; done << DocFiles: COPYRIGHT README Homepage: DescDetail: << PSMULTI is a general n-up postscript filter. This is a replacement for multips originally started to solve a bug in using multips on Sparc printers. PSmulti requires PERL, if there is sufficient demand for a c/sh version and I find enough time and will add this as an alternative front-end later. PSFIX is a filter to adjust the scaling and orientation of images while keeping them in the normal printable area of a page. <<