Info2: << Package: flyway-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 0.4.1 Revision: 1 Type: python(2.3 2.4) Maintainer: Kevin Horton BuildDepends: python%type_pkg[python] Depends: python%type_pkg[python]-shlibs, pyqt-py%type_pkg[python] Conflicts: flyway-py23,flyway-py24 Replaces: flyway-py23,flyway-py24 Source: Source-MD5: 22fd7b1a7f9866540f2815ea400a4e2d SourceDirectory: FlyWay CompileScript: << echo "Nothing to do in compile phase" << InstallScript: << %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -p %p -b %d << License: GPL DocFiles: doc/* Description: US Flight planning program with GUI DescDetail: << Flyway allows the user to find and enter U.S. waypoints (airports, navaids, and fixes), then it calculates courses, wind corrections, and travel times. Information about the waypoints is provided (including frequencies, elevation, fuel availability, and runway descriptions). The route data can also be used to fill in an editable FAA Flight Plan form, fetch basic weather information from the internet, and display a very rough map. << Homepage: <<