Package: lbdb Version: 0.31 Revision: 2 Description: The Little Brother's Database License: GPL Source: Source-MD5: 740bb8510017d24ac23fd2b948d25f2e SourceDirectory: %n-%v DocFiles: COPYING NEWS README TODO ConfFiles: %p/etc/lbdb.rc %p/etc/lbdb_ldap.rc BuildDepends: autoconf2.5 Suggests: abook, evolution, gnupg Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --libdir=%p/lib/lbdb --mandir=%p/share/man --sysconfdir=%p/etc PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH --with-abook=%p/bin/abook --with-gpg=%p/bin/gpg --with-evolution-addressbook-export=%p/bin/evolution-addressbook-export CompileScript: << %p/bin/autoreconf ./configure %c make << InstallScript: make install_prefix=%d install DescDetail: << This package was inspired by the Big Brother Database package available for various Emacs mailers. It provides a command-line interface to various address books, and is designed to work with mutt's external query feature. << DescUsage: << lbdb depends on a number of external tools for some of the more obscure plugins. You'll have to install them separately if you want to use them. << Homepage: Maintainer: Brendan Cully