Package: cccc Version: 3.pre63 Revision: 13 Architecture: powerpc BuildDepends: gcc3.3 GCC: 3.3 Maintainer: Sylvain Cuaz Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 379e0b93c080aa6cddba6d6378e6187f PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's|g\+\+|\$(CXX)|; s|-static||' cccc/posixgcc.mak perl -pi -e 's|\$\(LD_OFLAG\)\$\(CCCC_EXE\)|\$(LD_OFLAG) \$(CCCC_EXE)|' cccc/rules.mak perl -pi -e 's|^INSTDIR=.*$|INSTDIR=%i/bin|' install/install.mak perl -pi -e 's| map_t::| typename map_t::|' cccc/cccc_tbl.{h,cc} perl -pi -e 's|su root -c "(.*)"|\1|' makefile << SetCC: gcc-3.3 SetCXX: g++-3.3 CompileScript: make pccts ; make cccc; make test DocFiles: changes.txt readme.txt Description: C and C++ Code Counter DescDetail: << This program exists to analyze and report measurements on source code in C, C++ and Java. << DescPackaging: << - fix a typo - fix the install dir I choose to not make it depend on pccts since it's obsolete (now ANTLR), and thus use the included copy. This version is compiled with g++-3.3, even in the 10.4 tree. If it is ever updated to a more recent compiler, any packages which depend on this one must be updated at the same time. << Homepage: License: Public Domain