Package: gwydion-dylan Version: 2.4.0 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Matthias Neeracher Depends: readline-shlibs (>= 4.3-15), tcltk, libtool | libtool14, gc-shlibs BuildDepends: readline (>= 4.3-15), gwydion-dylan-bootstrap (>= %v-%r), gc Replaces: gwydion-dylan-bootstrap Source: Source-MD5: 7ed180bf4ef11e8e8da3bd78b45477a8 UpdateConfigGuess: true Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --includedir=%p/include/dylan --with-gc-prefix=%p --disable-duim CompileScript: << ./configure %c make << InstallScript: << make DESTDIR=%d install ranlib %i/lib/dylan/%v/ppc-darwin-gcc/*.a head -n 26 Makegen>COPYING << DocFiles: CREDITS NEWS README COPYING Description: Dylan Compiler DescDetail: << This is the Gwydion Dylan Compiler System, installing two different compilers: mindy, which generates slow code quickly, and d2c, which generates fast code slowly. << DescPort: << d2c has a very complex bootstrap process, so I've set up a separate private package gwydion-dylan-bootstrap for the first phase of the bootstrap. The bootstrap package is automatically removed when the main package is installed. Like any LISPish language, Gwydion Dylan likes to gobble up stack space, so the build process would crash unless I expanded the stack size using ulimit. The current version prints some frightful error messages when compiling. The authors assured me that this is to be expected and will eventually be fixed in the upstream version. << License: BSD Homepage: