Package: appconfig-pm Version: 1.56 Revision: 1 BuildDepends: test-simple-pm560 | perl580-core | perl581-core | perl584-core | perl586-core, fink (>= 0.20.1-1) Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/A/AB/ABW/AppConfig-%v.tar.gz UpdatePOD: true Type: perl DocFiles: Changes MANIFEST README* TODO Description: Modules for reading config files and more DescDetail: << AppConfig is a bundle of Perl5 modules for reading configuration files and parsing command line arguments. This is a descendant of, and supercedes the App::Config module. Functionality is extended over the final version of App::Config (1.09) and includes many new features. This module has been developed and in the process, renamed, as part of an effort to unify the various Perl modules for parsing configuration files and command line arguments. AppConfig has a powerful but easy to use module for parsing configuration files. It also has a simple and efficient module for parsing command line arguments. For fully-featured command line parsing, a module is provided for interfacing AppConfig to Johan Vromans' extensive Getopt::Long module. Johan will continue to develop the functionality of this package and its features will automatically become available through AppConfig. << License: Artistic Maintainer: None Homepage: Source-MD5: 16a69f81aaf2b86ee30b25541f58cac0