Info2: << Package: catalyst-view-tt-pm%type_pkg[perl] Version: 0.22 Revision: 22 Architecture: (%type_pkg[perl] = 581) powerpc, (%type_pkg[perl] = 584) powerpc Description: Template view class for Catalyst Type: perl(5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6) License: Artistic Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Depends: fink (>= 0.24-1), perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, catalyst-pm%type_pkg[perl], template-pm%type_pkg[perl], template-timer-pm%type_pkg[perl], path-class-pm BuildDepends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, fink (>= 0.24-1), module-build-pm%type_pkg[perl], catalyst-pm%type_pkg[perl], template-pm%type_pkg[perl], template-timer-pm%type_pkg[perl], path-class-pm Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/M/MR/MRAMBERG/Catalyst-View-TT-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: b94ca8de4bed502dbe2663765ec1ff80 UpdatePOD: true InstallScript: << %{default_script} mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl] << DocFiles: Changes MANIFEST README Homepage: DescDetail: << This is the Catalyst view class for the Template Toolkit. Your application should defined a view class which is a subclass of this module. The easiest way to achieve this is using the script (where myapp should be replaced with whatever your application is called). This script is created as part of the Catalyst setup. << <<