Package: ccp4-onlylibs-dev # Use version numbering to sync with the current CCP4 release: Version: 5.99.5 Revision: 101 #Source: #Source-MD5: cf085751833aecc7ccef9e67de7e9fcc Source: Source-MD5: d9dd2e786953c812acec42b41a1c08a5 SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: %n Source2: Source2-MD5: ea307964e3786bef0868ea56aaaa0471 GCC: 3.3 Depends: BuildDepends: g77 (>= 3.4.0-2), f2c, fort77 NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true ############################################################################### PatchScript: << #!/bin/zsh -efv umask 0022 # Use my patched configure and ccp4.setup-zsh files cp ../ccp4.setup-zsh include/. cp ../configure . # setup scripts for tcsh, zsh and bash users export TEMPXTAL=$PWD:h # perl -pi.bak -e 's|/xtal|\$TEMPXTAL|g' include/ccp4.setup* # build prefix (changed in install) perl -pi.bak -e 's|/prefix|%p|g' include/ccp4.setup* # location of tcktk, blt (not needed here, but doesn't hurt). perl -pi.bak -e 's|/usr/local/bin|%p/bin|g' include/ccp4.setup* # same # make copy for tcsh users (CCP4 convention is no suffix) cp include/ccp4.setup-dist include/ccp4.setup # # We need the mmdbold clipper libraries built for COOT: perl -pi.bak -e 's|enable_mmdbold=no|enable_mmdbold=yes|g' lib/clipper/configure* # clean up: rm -f include/*.bak lib/clipper/*.bak << ############################################################################### CompileScript: << #!/bin/zsh -efv umask 0022 export TEMPXTAL=$PWD:h source include/ccp4.setup-zsh export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CLIB # FLIBS="-L%p/lib -lg2c" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib -lg2c -lSystemStubs -L%p/lib" FC="%p/bin/g77" CXX="/usr/bin/g++-3.3" CC="/usr/bin/gcc" ./configure --onlylibs Darwin # # fix some post-configure bugs # make -i 2>../make.log |tee ../make.log make -i install 2>../makeinst.log |tee ../makeinst.log # echo "Ignoring error messages. They are harmless" # command ls -1 lib/*.a sleep 10 # # Check to make sure all the libraries we need were built: # (Sort real errors from the bogus ones we suppressed.) if (( $(command ls -1 lib/*.a | command wc -l) == 15 ));then print "Build appears to have succeeded." else print "*****************************" print " Build has failed:" print "*****************************" sleep 3 cat ../make.log ../makeinst.log return 1 fi # make realclean << ############################################################################### InstallScript: << #!/bin/zsh -efv umask 0022 export TEMPXTAL=$PWD:h source include/ccp4.setup-zsh export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CLIB ORIGDIR=$(dirname $PWD) # # Change environment scripts to match final installation install prefix: perl -pi.bak -e 's|\$TEMPXTAL|%p/share/xtal|g' include/ccp4.setup* perl -pi.bak -e 's|CCP4_MASTER/%n|CCP4_MASTER/%n-%v|g' include/ccp4.setup-zsh perl -pi.bak -e 's|ccp4-5.99.5|%n-%v|g' include/ccp4.setup* rm -f include/*.bak perl -pi.bak -e 's|%b|%p/share/xtal/%n-%v|g' bin/clipper-config rm -f bin/clipper-config.bak perl -pi.bak -e 's|%b|%p/share/xtal/%n-%v|g' lib/*.la rm -f lib/*.la.bak # # Now install: mkdir -p %i/share/xtal/%n-%v cp -R * %i/share/xtal/%n-%v/. ranlib %i/share/xtal/%n-%v/lib/**/*.a << ############################################################################### Description: CCP4 Libraries DescDetail: << This package installs CCP4 libraries, only. If you need all of CCP4, install the self-contained CCP4 package instead of this. The licensing for the CCP4 library loosely conforms to the LGPL, unlike the more restrictive CCP4 license. This version compiles with the Apple Lapack/Blas framework CCP4lib files will be installed under %p/share/xtal/ccp4-onlylibs-dev-5.99.5. Programs requiring these libraries to build or run need to source the appropriate %p/share/xtal/ccp4-onlylibs-dev-5.99.5/include/ccp4.setup file for the shell, as is done in the file. The primary use for this package, currently, is for compiling COOT. << DocFiles: conditions.txt Homepage: License: Restrictive Maintainer: W. G. Scott