Package: emboss-kaptain Version: 0.97 Revision: 3 Source: Source-MD5: ebd469f76629503ced882811e8b4568b Depends: x11, kaptain (>= 0.71-22), emboss (>= 2.8.0-2), nedit Recommends: kdebase3 DocFiles: README LICENSE CompileScript: echo "nothing to do" InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -e mkdir -p %i/bin/ for file in $(ls *.kaptn) do sed -e s\¤/usr/bin/kaptain\¤%p/bin/kaptain\¤g $file \ | sed -e s\¤nc\ -\¤%p/bin/nedit-nc\ -\¤g > %i/bin/$file echo " installing "%i/bin/$file chmod 755 %i/bin/$file done mkdir -p %i/share/applnk tar cf - EMBOSS | tar xfC - %i/share/applnk exit 0 << License: GPL Description: Kaptain grammars for EMBOSS DescPackaging: << Instead of patching the original file, I moved the installation script into the InstallScript field. This way I can use the percent expansion paths, which were not recognized by the patched install-script. << DescDetail: << EMBOSS.kaptn is a graphical user interface for (up to now) 180 programs of the EMBOSS sequence analysis package. It uses Kaptain, a universal front-end for command line applications. EMBOSS is a collection of high-quality free Open Source software for sequence analysis. With EMBOSS.kaptn it integrates nicely into X window based desktops like KDE or Gnome on unix or linux systems, as long as the QT libraries are installed. << DescUsage: << Either start the grammars from the command line in an X Window environment, or, if you have KDE installed, from the K-Menu. << Maintainer: Koen van der Drift Homepage: