Info2: << Package: mp3info%type_pkg[-x11] Version: 0.8.4 Revision: 2 Maintainer: None Type: -x11 (boolean) BuildDepends: << (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) gtk+, (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) glib, (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) x11-dev, gettext-dev << Depends: << (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) gtk+-shlibs, (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) glib-shlibs, (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) x11, gettext << Conflicts: mp3info, mp3info-x11 Source:{Ni}-%v.tgz Source-MD5: 879d0ced8ede5ec9fbaff4813851ea3f SourceDirectory: %{Ni}-%v PatchScript: patch -p1 < %a/%{n}.patch CompileScript: << make << DocFiles: ChangeLog INSTALL LICENSE README Description: Read and modify the id3 tags of mp3 files DescPort: << No configuration file, so the Makefile is directly patched. Links against system's libncurses. << DescDetail: << MP3Info is a little utility used to read and modify the ID3 tags of MP3 files. MP3Info can also display various techincal aspects of an MP3 file including playing time, bit-rate, sampling frequency and other attributes in a pre-defined or user-specifiable output format. << License: GPL Homepage: <<