Package: kdesdk3-svn-ssl Version: 3.5.10 Revision: 1 Description: KDE - svn ioslave (with SSL) Type: bundle License: GPL/LGPL Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Depends: kdesdk3-svn (>= %v-1) DescDetail: An IO slave that lets you connect to subversion repositories. DescUsage: << ---[ Installation ]--------------------------------------------------- To install all of the official KDE packages, install "bundle-kde" or "bundle-kde-ssl" (depending on whether crypotgraphic laws permit downloading strong cryptography). Unless you have a specific reason not to, "bundle-kde-ssl" is suggested. ---[ Configuration ]-------------------------------------------------- To use KDE as your windowing system in XDarwin, create a file called ".xinitrc" in your home directory, containing the following line: /sw/bin/startkde >/tmp/kde.log 2>&1 See for more information on the xinitrc files and how they work. If you want to use Apple's X11 instead of the KDE window manager, put the following line before the startkde line in .xinitrc: export KDEWM=quartz-wm If you want to disable quartz-wm even for clipboard synchronization (proxying), put the following line before the startkde line in .xinitrc: export DISABLE_PROXY=1 ---[ Startup ]-------------------------------------------------------- Once you have created an ~/.xinitrc file, you should be able to start KDE by clicking on the "XDarwin" icon in your Applications folder. NOTE: By default, X11 on Mac OS X runs in "rootless" mode, generally. If you run KDE in rootless mode, it will take over your desktop with a window that covers everything up. You can remove this by disabling desktop icons in the KDE control center. Open the control center (either from the "K" menu bar, or by typing "kcontrol" in an xterm) then expand the "Desktop" list, click "Behavior", and uncheck the "Show icons on desktop" checkbox. ---[ Removal ]-------------------------------------------------------- To remove all of the official KDE packages, you can remove the KDE libraries and anything that depends on them by running, in a terminal: sudo apt-get remove kdelibs3-unified-shlibs To remove an individual KDE package collection (like kdenetwork3 or kdesdk3) you can generally remove [package]-base. For example, to remove all of the kdenetwork3 packages, run: sudo apt-get remove kdenetwork3-base <<