Package: opal2 Version: 2.2.11 Revision: 5 Distribution: 10.4, 10.5 Maintainer: The Gnome Core Team GCC: 4.0 BuildDependsOnly: true BuildDepends: << cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.22-1006), doxygen, expat1, fink (>= 0.27.2), openldap24-dev (>= 2.4.15-1), openssl098-dev, pwlib1 (>= 1.10.10-6), sdl (>= 1.2.13-1), sed << # sed : because of the patchscript Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) Conflicts: opal3.6.0 Replaces: opal3.6.0 Source: mirror:gnome:sources/opal/2.2/opal-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: b759033c85a1351e00ad1a29e4f50f26 PatchScript: << sed -ri -e '/MACOSX/i #include ' src/codec/speex/libspeex/kiss_fft.h # implicit declaration of abs : sed -ri -e '/"g72x\.h"/i #include ' src/codec/g726/g72x.c # implicit declaration of memcpy : sed -ri.bak -e '//a #include ' src/codec/gsm/src/code.c ### All following lines are the same as in ## the configure script expects pwlib's version.h to be installed at the first level of PWLIBDIR (=%p), ## (ie, in parallel with bin, lib, and share...), while pwlib's own install target doesn't even install it... perl -pi -e 's,\{PWLIBDIR\}/version\.h,\{PWLIBDIR\}/include/ptlib.h,' configure ## same treatment for PWLIBDIR=%p as when =/usr or /usr/local : sed -ri -e '/test\ \"x\$PWLIBDIR\"\ =\ \"x\/usr\"/,/^fi$/c PWLIBDIR=`sed -e 's,/$,,' <<<"$PWLIBDIR"`' \ -e 's,(\"x\$PWLIBDIR\" = \"x)/usr/local,\1%p\" -o &,' \ -e 's,usr/",usr",' \ -e 's,/usr/local/share/pwlib/,\$PWLIBDIR/share/pwlib,' configure << NoSetLDFLAGS: true SetLIBRARY_PATH: %p/lib NoSetCPPFLAGS: true SetCFLAGS: -O3 -fstrict-aliasing ConfigureParams: --enable-sip --enable-h323 --enable-iax # --enable-h263avcodec=%p/include/ffmpeg doens't work CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export CPATH=%p/include; export PWLIBDIR=%p if [ %m = i386 ] ; then abbr=x86 ; else abbr=ppc ; fi ./configure %c mv=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"%v"` Mv=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"$mv"` make LDSOOPTS="-dynamiclib -single_module -Wl,-x -dead_strip -compatibility_version $mv -current_version %v -install_name %p/lib/libopal_Darwin_${abbr}_r.${Mv}.dylib" \ optshared optnoshared docs test << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev make install DESTDIR=%d cp -p lib/libopal*.a %i/lib cd %i/lib rm -f *.dylib.* *.so if [ %m = i386 ] ; then abbr=x86 ; else abbr=ppc ; fi f=libopal_Darwin_${abbr}_r g=$f.%v until test "$g" = "$f" do newg=`sed -r -e 's,\.[^.]*$,,' <<<"$g"` ln -fs $g.dylib $newg.dylib g=$newg done ln -fs $g.dylib libopal.dylib ranlib libopal*.a chmod a-x * cd - mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n mv html %i/share/doc/%n ln -s ../%N-shlibs/mpl-1.0.htm %i/share/doc/%n << SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: << cyrus-sasl2-shlibs (>= 2.1.22-1006), expat1-shlibs, openldap24-shlibs (>= 2.4.15-1), openssl098-shlibs, pwlib1-shlibs (>= 1.10.10-6), sdl-shlibs (>= 1.2.13-1) << Description: Shared libraries for %N Files: lib/libopal_Darwin_*.*.*dylib Shlibs: << ( %m = powerpc ) %p/lib/libopal_Darwin_ppc_r.2.dylib 2.2.0 %n (>= 2.2.2-1) ( %m = i386 ) %p/lib/libopal_Darwin_x86_r.2.dylib 2.2.0 %n (>= 2.2.2-1) << DocFiles: mpl-1.0.htm << Description: Open Phone Application Library DescPort: << Try to keep at latest version compatible _ according to _ with current version of ekiga, or else go first back for opal2 to the format infofile_name =, so older versions can stay in fink (versioning of those pkgs seems completely erratic) << License: OSI-Approved Homepage: