Package: automake1.12 Version: 1.12.6 Revision: 3 Source: mirror:gnu:automake/automake-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 199d39ece2e6070d64ac20d45ac86026 # versions of dpkg < 1.10.21-1233 have a buggy install-info command BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), dpkg (>= 1.10.21-1234) Depends: %N-core (>= %v-%r) Conflicts: automake, automake1.4, automake15, automake1.5, automake1.6, automake1.7, automake1.8, automake1.9, automake1.10, automake1.11, automake1.12, automake1.13, automake1.14 Replaces: automake, automake1.4, automake15, automake1.5, automake1.6, automake1.7, automake1.8, automake1.9, automake1.10, automake1.11, automake1.12, automake1.13, automake1.14 Provides: automaken PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 70042de9a8f9170238fff95645e6f7aa PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Disable one of the lex tests which is incompatible with our flex # package (but not with flex-devel, nor with the flex Apple ships). /usr/bin/sed -i.orig -E -e 's|t/||g' # test t/ fails on powerpc-darwin8 and i386-darwin10 # with Abort Trap, so we skip it, until it is understood (fangism) sed -i.orig -e '/objc-megademo/d' -e '/fort5/d' # import bug-fixes for t/ from automake-1.13.1 %{default_script} # fink's libtool2 has %p/bin/glibtool not %p/bin/libtool and Apple's # /usr/bin/libtool is different beast ln -s %p/bin/glibtool t/wrap/libtool << # HACK: Set ac_cv_prog_TEX to disable any TeX or texinfo related tests, # until the day we get a non-broken install-info. ConfigureParams: --infodir=%p/share/info PERL=/usr/bin/perl ac_cv_prog_TEX= InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex make install DESTDIR=%d VERSION=1.12 for tool in aclocal automake ; do # Replace man page alias by symlink rm %i/share/man/man1/$tool.1 ln -s %p/share/man/man1/$tool-$VERSION.1 %i/share/man/man1/$tool.1 # Normally, the versioned executable name is a symlink to the unversioned name. # We swap this, turning the unversioned name into a symlink, and # store the executable under the versioned name. rm %i/bin/$tool-$VERSION mv %i/bin/$tool %i/bin/$tool-$VERSION ln -s %p/bin/$tool-$VERSION %i/bin/$tool done << SplitOff: << Package: %N-core Depends: autoconf2.6 | autoconf Conflicts: %N (<< 1.12.3-2) Replaces: %N (<< 1.12.3-2) # TODO: Add Provides: automaken-core ?? # TODO: Add custom Description? Files: bin/aclocal-* bin/automake-* share/aclocal-* share/automake-* share/man/man1/aclocal-* share/man/man1/automake-* DocFiles: COPYING README AUTHORS NEWS THANKS << # TODO: Perhaps rename* to* ? InfoTest: << TestConflicts: g95 # fails t/ on 10.6/i386 and 10.6/x86_64 # (passes on 10.7) # see: TestScript: make check || exit 2 TestDepends: dejagnu, libtool2, pkgconfig << DocFiles: COPYING README AUTHORS NEWS THANKS InfoDocs: Description: GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator DescDetail: << Automake is a tool for automatically generating `'s from files called `'. The goal of Automake is to remove the burden of Makefile maintenance from the back of the individual GNU maintainer (and put it on the back of the Automake maintainer). The `' is basically a series of `make' macro definitions (with rules being thrown in occasionally). The generated `'s are compliant with the GNU Makefile standards. << DescPackaging: << Previous versions by Christoph Pfisterer, Max Horn. Desc adapted from debian :-) << License: GPL Maintainer: Chris Zubrzycki Homepage: