Info2: << Package: epydoc-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 3.0.1 Revision: 4 Conflicts: epydoc-py25-bin, epydoc-py24-bin Replaces: epydoc-py25-bin, epydoc-py24-bin Description: Python documentation system DescDetail: << Look at sphinx for a more common python documentation system for python software. Epydoc is a tool for generating API documentation for Python modules, based on their docstrings. For an example of epydoc's output, see the API documentation for epydoc itself (html, pdf). A lightweight markup language called epytext can be used to format docstrings, and to add information about specific fields, such as parameters and instance variables. Epydoc also understands docstrings written in ReStructuredText, Javadoc, and plaintext. << DescUsage: << The quick trial: wget epydoc open html/index.html The update-alternatives were messed up in previous versions of this package. The symbolic links are probably wrong for the package if you upgraded recently to %n 3.0.1-3. Here are the commands to correct the situation: fink remove %n sudo update-alternatives --remove-all epydoc sudo update-alternatives --remove-all epydocgui sudo update-alternatives --remove-all apirst2html fink install %n << DescPort: << Version 3.0a has some minor formatting bugs, but the epydoc generated documentation is (in my oppinion) way better than pydoc. << Source: mirror:sourceforge:epydoc/epydoc-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: cdd6f6c76dd8bab5e653a343a0544294 Type: python (2.5 2.6 2.7) Depends: python%type_pkg[python] CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] build << InstallScript: << %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root %d mv %i/bin/epydoc %i/bin/epydoc-py%type_pkg[python] mv %i/bin/epydocgui %i/bin/epydocgui-py%type_pkg[python] mv %i/bin/ %i/bin/apirst2html-py%type_pkg[python] << DocFiles: README.txt LICENSE.txt License: OSI-Approved Homepage: Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr PostInstScript: << echo "update-alternatives --install %p/bin/epydoc epydoc %p/bin/epydoc-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python]" echo "update-alternatives --install %p/bin/epydocgui epydocgui %p/bin/epydocgui-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python]" echo "update-alternatives --install %p/bin/ %p/bin/apirst2html-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python]" update-alternatives --install %p/bin/epydoc epydoc %p/bin/epydoc-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python] update-alternatives --install %p/bin/epydocgui epydocgui %p/bin/epydocgui-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python] update-alternatives --install %p/bin/ %p/bin/apirst2html-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python] echo "" echo "The scripts 'epydoc', 'epydocgui', and '' " echo "installed in %p/bin/ and %p/lib/cgi-bin" echo "are symlinks automatically updated by the update-alternatives utility." echo "If you install multiple flavours of the featureserver package, the symlinks" echo "will point to the higher flavour by default." << # Why does this leave symbolic links in %p/bin ??? # Should this be calling remove-all instead of remove? PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then echo "Calling update-alternatives --remove" echo update-alternatives --remove epydoc %p/bin/epydoc-py%type_pkg[python] update-alternatives --remove epydoc %p/bin/epydoc-py%type_pkg[python] echo update-alternatives --remove epydocgui %p/bin/epydocgui-py%type_pkg[python] update-alternatives --remove epydocgui %p/bin/epydocgui-py%type_pkg[python] echo update-alternatives --remove %p/bin/apirst2html-py%type_pkg[python] update-alternatives --remove %p/bin/apirst2html-py%type_pkg[python] fi << # Info2 <<