Package: fauxsu Homepage: Maintainer: Dustin Howett Version: 0.9 Revision: 1 License: GPL BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.28) Source: SourceDirectory: fauxsu-%v Source-MD5: fa1172e551ca4fba579fc5455ff40546 PatchScript: << perl -ni -e 'print unless / -rf /' theos/makefiles/ /usr/bin/sed -i.orig -e 's/libexec/%lib/' Makefile # for darwin8 sed -i.orig -e '/TARGET_C/s|-4.2|-4.0|g' \ theos/makefiles/targets/Darwin/*.mk << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev arch=%m case "$arch" in powerpc) arch=ppc ;; esac make ARCHS="$arch" INSTALL_PREFIX=%p messages=yes << InstallScript: << make stage INSTALL_PREFIX=%p FW_STAGING_DIR=%d messages=yes mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%N cp LICENSE %i/share/doc/%N << Description: Grants applications fake root privileges DescDetail: << fauxsu wraps system calls involved in changing file ownership and modes, allowing programs to act as if run as the superuser. << Shlibs: << !%p/lib/%N/libfauxsu.dylib <<