Package: mingw-binutils Version: 2.16.91-20050827-1 Revision: 4 Description: GNU binutils for MinGW License: LGPL Maintainer: None Source: mirror:sourceforge:mingw/binutils-%v-src.tar.gz Source-MD5: d94983c962e2d77bb177a06e275eafc2 SourceDirectory: binutils-%v PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's,\|4.*9,|[4-9,' ConfigureParams: << --target=i686-pc-mingw32 \ --disable-nls \ --disable-werror \ --prefix=%p/lib/mingw \ --bindir=%p/bin \ --mandir=%p/share/man \ --infodir=%p/share/info << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=%d /bin/rm -vrf %i/lib/mingw/lib/ rm -rf %i/share/info << DocFiles: COPYING* README Homepage: DescPort: << Removed libiberty.a . Like 'avr-binutils' package, lib & include folders have been moved to /sw/lib/mingw and the binaries are put into /sw/bin . All files are removed to avoid clashes with other toolchains. Disable -Werror, to enable compilation on 10.6 (the code uses some depreacted APIs like stat64 and also triggers other warnings in newer compilers). TODO: Native Language Support <<