Package: owanttask Version: 1.3.2 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: cd602bf75a0feab480fa97739955b84e NoSourceDirectory: true PatchScript: << echo "The OwAntTask component is provided by ObjectWeb and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License." > doc/license.txt << Depends: system-java (>= 1.4) BuildDepends: ant-base Type: java(1.4) CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex ant clean ant jar << # No install script; that's handled by JarFiles and DocFiles InstallScript: << << JarFiles: output/lib/ow_util_ant_tasks.jar DocFiles: doc/* Homepage: Maintainer: Trevor Harmon Description: ObjectWeb utility Ant tasks DescDetail: << These Ant tasks are required for building certain ObjectWeb packages. << DescPackaging: << Although this package is licensed under the LGPL according to the project's website, no licensing information is included with the distribution. Therefore, the patch script adds a simple license notice to the documentation files. << License: LGPL