Package: pasdoc Version: 0.12.1 Revision: 1 Architecture: powerpc, i386, x86_64 Description: Documentation tool for Pascal source code License: GPL BuildDepends: fpc # Unpack Phase Source: mirror:sourceforge:/%n/PasDoc%%20Sources/%v/%n-%v-src.tar.gz Source-MD5: 6a230cd5b253bbab886197742c0f43fa SourceDirectory: pasdoc # Patch Phase Patchscript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Mac OS X 10.4 needs -gs for stabs debug format if [[ $(sw_vers -productVersion) = 10.4 ]]; then sed -i 's|-gw|-gs|g' pasdoc-fpc.cfg fi << # Compile Phase Compilescript: make # Install Phase Installscript: << mkdir -p %i/bin/ install -c -m 755 bin/pasdoc %i/bin/ << # Documentation DocFiles: LICENSE docs/pasdoc.pdf docs/pasdoc.html docs/pasdoc.css # Additional Info DescDetail: << PasDoc is a documentation tool for Pascal and ObjectPascal source code. The documentation is generated from comments found in the source code. Available output formats are HTML, HtmlHelp, LaTeX, latex2rtf, simplexml. Type "pasdoc --help" to get a better feeling for how PasDoc works. Also, see the web page for more information about PasDoc. << DescPort: << Status: starting app. Steps towards pasdoc_gui: 1) lazbuild pasdoc_package.lpk 2) lazbuild pasdoc_gui.lpi but does not run properly until make bundle is clicked in lazarus. Warnings: Font and Fontsize is not found: FindCarbonFontID Error: ATSUFindFontFromName failed with result -8796 TCarbonSpinEdit.GetPreferredSize Error: GetBestControlRect failed with result -30599 FindCarbonFontID Error: ATSUFindFontFromName failed with result -8796 Todo: Make a nice bundle, i.e. icon, move binary into the bundle. check for dependencies. graphviz is mentioned. << Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler