Package: pccts Version: 1.33.mr33 Revision: 4 Maintainer: None BuildDependsOnly: true # Source: Source-MD5: fd70972b0a6aa2d3cf8b5c66d26d229d SourceDirectory: %n BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 54096d0e41d1827b1ce6dd68e691a966 PatchScript: sed 's:@FINK_IPREFIX@:%i:g' <%{PatchFile} | patch -p1 CompileScript: echo "No compile needed" InstallScript: << make pccts manpages COPT="-DPCCTS_USE_STDARG" mkdir -p %i/bin rm bin/empty.txt cp bin/* %i/bin mkdir -p %i/include/pccts cp h/* %i/include/pccts/ << DocFiles: README RIGHTS CHANGES_FROM_131.txt CHANGES_FROM_133_BEFORE_MR13.txt CHANGES_FROM_133.txt CHANGES_SUMMARY.txt history.txt KNOWN_PROBLEMS.txt # Description: Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set DescPort: << -specify cc as the compiler -share/man as the mandir << DescPackaging: << Previous versions by Sylvain Cuaz. -there's no configure script -'make' builds and installs that's why it is placed in InstallScript and not in CompileScript -manually put headers in the package << DescDetail: << PCCTS, the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set, is a set of public-domain software tools designed to facilitate the construction of compilers and other translation systems. Although originally developed primarily for internal use within Purdue University, these tools are now everywhere. While working on his MS and PhD under Prof. Hank Dietz, T. Parr was the primary developer of PCCTS, and he has continued to maintain and extend it; see for info on Ter's work on the latest Java versions. << License: Public Domain Homepage: