Package: pd-extended-dev Maintainer: Hans-Christoph Steiner Version: 0.43.1 Revision: 1 Type: bundle BuildDepends: << fftw3, freetype219, gmerlin-avdecoder1, gsl, lame-dev, libflac8-dev, libftgl2, libogg, libquicktime1, libspeex1, libtheora0, lua51-dev, sdl << # artoolkit should be included, but doesn't build on 64-bit yet Depends: << fftw3-shlibs, flite, freetype219-shlibs, gettext-tools, git, gmerlin-avdecoder1-shlibs, gsl-shlibs, ladspa-dev, lame, libflac8, libftgl2-shlibs, libogg-shlibs, libquicktime1-shlibs, libspeex1-shlibs, libtheora0-shlibs, lua51, pkgconfig, sed, sdl-shlibs, swig << Conflicts: << jack-dev, libftgl1, libquicktime0, lua, portaudio, speex3 << Description: Bundle of libraries for building Pd-extended DescDetail: << This package is a meta package for setting up the build environment for Pd-extended. Pd-extended builds against many libraries from Fink and also conflicts with a few. This package is an easy way to install all of the required packages, and make sure that the conflicting packages remain uninstalled. <<