Package: txt2regex Version: 0.8 Revision: 1 Description: Regular expression wizard DescDetail: << Txt2regex is a Regular Expression Wizard that converts human sentences to regexes. In a simple interactive console interface, the user answer questions and the program build the regexes for more than 20 programs, like Vim, Emacs, Perl, PHP, Python, Procmail and It is a Shell Script 100% written with Bash builtin commands. << DescPort: << I'm not sure if the language translations actually work, but I've installed them anyhow. << Source: Source-MD5: 83bc1f95b36fe51ade8d130fab390103 PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's/echo -n/printf/g; s,=\$\(LOCALEDIR\),=%p/share/locale,' Makefile << BuildDepends: gettext-tools CompileScript: echo 'Nothing to compile.' InstallScript: << make install BINDIR=%i/bin LOCALEDIR=%i/share/locale install -d %i/share/man/man1 install -m 644 %i/share/man/man1/txt2regex.1 << DocFiles: Changelog COPYRIGHT NEWS README README.japanese TODO License: GPL Maintainer: Daniel Johnson Homepage: