Package: zoinks Version: 0.3.8 Revision: 12 Architecture: powerpc Distribution: 10.4 Maintainer: Ben Hines Depends: x11, imlib-shlibs, libgettext3-shlibs, libiconv BuildDepends: imlib, libgettext3-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev, x11-dev, gcc3.3 Source: Source-MD5: 90522a8d112868e121f576df931602b3 GCC: 3.3 SetCXX: g++-3.3 Installscript: make install-strip DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README Description: Programmer's editor and IDE DescPackaging: << This version is compiled with g++-3.3, even in the 10.4 tree. If it is ever updated to a more recent compiler, any packages which depend on this one must be updated at the same time. << DescDetail: << Programmer's editor and development environment for Unix/X11 systems. The editor has features similar to Mac text editors like MPW and CodeWarrior. It also has some features for HTML authoring. It supports inputting and editing multi-byte text (e.g. Japanese and other Asian languages). << Homepage: License: GPL