Package: jzlib Version: 1.0.7 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: 3c52a0afb970e8a1fb2d34f30d330a83 SourceDirectory: %n-%v BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.22.2-1), fink-mirrors (>=, system-java-dev (>= 1.5-1) Depends: system-java (>= 1.4-1) Type: java(1.5) CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -target 1.4 -source 1.4 `find com -name \*.java` jar -cvf jzlib.jar `find com -name \*.class` mkdir -p api $JAVA_HOME/bin/javadoc -sourcepath . -d api `find com -name \*.java` << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ex install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/%n mv api example misc %i/share/doc/%n/ << JarFiles: *.jar DocFiles: *LICENSE* ChangeLog README Homepage: Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Description: Pure Java zlib implementation DescDetail: << JZlib is a re-implementation of zlib in pure Java. The first and final aim for hacking this stuff is to add the packet compression support to pure Java SSH systems. The zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered -- that is, not covered by any patents -- lossless data-compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system. The zlib was written by Jean-loup Gailly (compression) and Mark Adler (decompression). << License: BSD