Package: abs Version: 0.908 Revision: 13 Maintainer: None Source: SourceDirectory: %n-src-%v Source-MD5: 5a57fe5fa0d7cfaff988ad28fefe13f7 BuildDepends: x11-dev, fink (>= 0.24.12-1) Depends: x11 PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: acc9989f72b1536593cea9441ff1e727 PatchScript: << %{default_script} chmod 644 Examples/.charts.abs.swp perl -pi -e 's/-I \.\./-I../g' Database/Makefile << CompileScript: make LIBS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXaw -lX11 -lXt -lXmu -lXext -lXpm -L/usr/lib -lm -lSM -lICE" InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/abs cp abs %i/bin cp -r Examples %i/share/abs << DocFiles: COPYING NEWS README Description: Opensource spreadsheet DescPort: << Building of included Xpm library disabled and x11's Xpm library linked in. The correct 'include' and 'lib' directories also had to be patched in. << DescPackaging: << Originally packaged by Matt Stephenson. << License: GPL Homepage: