Info2: << Package: scientificpython-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 2.9.1 Revision: 2 Distribution: (%type_pkg[python] = 23) 10.4, (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.4, (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.5 Type: python (2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7) Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr Depends: << libdap9-shlibs, libnc-dap3-shlibs (>= 1:3.7.3-1), numpy-py%type_pkg[python], python%type_pkg[python] << # FIX: Needs pyro-py for taskmanager BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.24.12-1), libdap9, libnc-dap3 (>= 1:3.7.3-1) << Conflicts: scientificpython-py23-bin, scientificpython-py24-bin, scientificpython-py25-bin, scientificpython-py26-bin, scientificpython-py27-bin Replaces: scientificpython-py23-bin, scientificpython-py24-bin, scientificpython-py25-bin, scientificpython-py26-bin, scientificpython-py27-bin # # Warning! There is this strange number right after the php that really controls what is downloaded! # Source: Source-MD5: f27bfb3abda022b73a93cd6ada06338f PatchFile: %{ni}.patch PatchFile-MD5: ee9fdbc23b851d11cc86b0d94b1c2270 CompileScript: << %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] build --numpy --netcdf_prefix=%p << InstallScript: << %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root %d --netcdf_prefix=%p mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/HTML mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/PDF mv %i/bin/bsp_virtual %i/bin/bsp_virtual%type_pkg[python] # mv %i/bin/task_manager %i/bin/task_manager%type_pkg[python] # task_manager needs pyro to be packaged rm %i/bin/task_manager cp -R Examples %i/share/doc/%n cp -R Doc/* %i/share/doc/%n << PostInstScript: << # Add --verbose to update-alternatives for debugging update-alternatives --verbose --install %p/bin/bsp-virtual scientificpython-py %p/bin/bsp_virtual%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python] << # task_manager needs pyro... not currently packaged # --slave %p/bin/task_manager task_manager %p/bin/task_manager%type_pkg[python] PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then update-alternatives --verbose --remove scientificpython-py %p/bin/scientificpython%type_pkg[python] fi << License: OSI-Approved DocFiles: README LICENSE Description: Python modules for scientific computing DescDetail: << In this collection you will find modules that cover basic geometry (vectors, tensors, transformations, vector and tensor fields), quaternions, automatic derivatives, (linear) interpolation, polynomials, elementary statistics, nonlinear least-squares fits, unit calculations, Fortran-compatible text formatting, 3D visualization via VRML, and two Tk widgets for simple line plots and 3D wireframe models. There are also interfaces to the netCDF library. The netCDF module is OPeNDAP enabled, that is URLs for OPeNDAP/DODS servers can be opened like regular netCDF disk files. << DescPackaging: << Use libnc's netcdf instead of netcdf itself because it's better. << #Homepage: Homepage: <<