Package: stellarium Version: 0.7.1 Revision: 1011 Distribution: 10.4 Description: Real time 3D sky renderer Maintainer: Daniel Johnson Source: mirror:sourceforge:stellarium/stellarium-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 94cb47d20d31d5e0bba5d9e0189c331b PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: eae0d2371baec4edcd47e8dce4c2430a # The following line can be removed when we're moved to the "real" 10.4 tree. SetCXX: g++-4.0 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --with-sdl-prefix=%p --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-sdltest BuildDepends: sdl (>= 1.2.9-1001), macosx (>= 10.3.0-1), libgettext3-dev, libiconv-dev, libpng3, fink (>= 0.24.12-1) Depends: sdl-shlibs (>= 1.2.9-1001), macosx (>= 10.3.0-1), libgettext3-shlibs, libiconv, libpng3-shlibs BuildConflicts: sdl-mixer GCC: 4.0 DescDetail: << Stellarium renders a real time, photorealistic 3D image of the sky using OpenGL. Its features include: Over 120000 stars from the Hipparcos Catalogue with name and info for the brightest ones. Planets and major satellites in real time, with a powerfull zoom mode to see them like in a telescope. Planet position computation now accurate enough for eclipse or transit simulation. Drawing of the 88 constellations with their names. Textured displaying of more than 70 nebulas (Orion, M31 etc..). Photorealistic Milky Way. Ground, fog, and landscape. Ultra fast realistic atmosphere rendering. Automatic eye adaptation to luminance. Star twinkling. Smooth real time intuitive navigation. Equatorial and altazimutal mode. Fisheye projection mode (e.g for planetarium dome). Grids in Equatorial and Azimuthal coordinates. Time control (real time and accelered time modes). Graphical menu for simple utilisation. Clikable stars, planets and nebulas with information. Ecliptic and celestrial equator lines. Windowed and fullscreen modes. << DescPackaging: << This version is compiled with g++-4.0, even in the 10.4-transitional tree. Stellarium neither depends on nor is depended on by any C++ packages, so it's safe to do this. It should also now compile on Intel Macs (in theory). << DescPort: << Patched configure to link with libmx.dylib, needed for some math functions. Made some patches to recognize SDL. Patched main.cpp to save configuration file in ~/.stellarium/config.ini instead of /sw/share/stellarium/config/config.ini. Patched vecmath.h to build with g++-4.0. << DescUsage: << User interface uses SDL and OpenGL; X11 is NOT used. Can be run from without X11 running. Due to limitations of SDL library, stellarium will NOT work in full screen mode if X11 is also running in full screen mode; rootless mode is fine. In addition, full screen mode won't work if your Mac does not support OpenGL hardware acceleration. Basically, if full screen mode doesn't work, try windowed mode; set "fullscreen = true" to "fullscreen = false" in your ~/.stellarium/config.ini and make your screen_h and screen_w smaller than your screen size. Stellarium will often replace your config.ini when upgrading to a new version; make a backup copy first. << DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING INSTALL NEWS README TODO doc/developer_guide.tex License: GPL Homepage: