Package: portaudio2 Version: 2.19.0-20111121 Revision: 1 Conflicts: portaudio Replaces: portaudio BuildDependsOnly: true BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) Depends: portaudio2-shlibs (= %v-%r) Source: Source-MD5: 25c85c1cc5e9e657486cbc299c6c035a SourceDirectory: portaudio PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 613b3b736c06aec381cc1656d018c2e4 ConfigureParams: --without-jack --disable-mac-universal PatchScript: << sed 's||%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 # patch configure because of warning in # src/hostapi/coreaudio/pa_mac_core_utilities.c and the volatile for # xrunflag in pa_mac_core_internal.h sed -i.bak "s|Werror|Wno-error|g" configure << InstallScript: << mkdir %i/include cp include/portaudio.h %i/include cp include/pa_mac_core.h %i/include mkdir %i/lib cp lib/.libs/libportaudio.2.dylib %i/lib/libportaudio.2.19.0.dylib (cd %i/lib; ln -s libportaudio.2.19.0.dylib libportaudio.2.dylib) (cd %i/lib; ln -s libportaudio.2.19.0.dylib libportaudio.dylib) cp lib/.libs/libportaudio.a %i/lib ranlib %i/lib/libportaudio.a mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -r doc %i/share/doc/%n/ mkdir %i/lib/pkgconfig perl -p -e "s/-framework\s*/-Wl,-framework,/g" portaudio-2.0.pc > portaudio-2.0.pc-new cp portaudio-2.0.pc-new %i/lib/pkgconfig/portaudio-2.0.pc # copy test binaries out of libtool folder mkdir %i/bin for i in $(ls bin); do cp bin/.libs/$i %i/bin ;done << SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Files: << lib/libportaudio.2.19.0.dylib lib/libportaudio.2.dylib << Shlibs: %p/lib/libportaudio.2.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>= 2.19.0-2) DocFiles: LICENSE.txt DescDetail: << PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source audio I/O library proposed by Ross Bencina to the music-dsp mailing list. It lets you write simple audio programs in 'C' that will compile and run on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, BeOS. PortAudio is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between developers on different platforms. The shlibs package contains the shared library only. It provides the v19 API and is build from the pa_stable_v19_20111121 release. << << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-doc Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) Conflicts: portaudio-doc Replaces: portaudio-doc Files: bin share DocFiles: LICENSE.txt DescDetail: << PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source audio I/O library proposed by Ross Bencina to the music-dsp mailing list. It lets you write simple audio programs in 'C' that will compile and run on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, BeOS. PortAudio is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between developers on different platforms. The doc package contains compiled test applications and the documentation. It provides the v19 API and is build from the pa_stable_v19_20111121 release. << << DocFiles: index.html LICENSE.txt README.txt Description: Cross platform audio I/O library DescDetail: << PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source audio I/O library proposed by Ross Bencina to the music-dsp mailing list. It lets you write simple audio programs in 'C' that will compile and run on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, BeOS. PortAudio is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between developers on different platforms. This package contains the headers only. It provides the v19 API and is build from the pa_stable_v19_20111121 release. << DescPort: << libtool not used, so links for shared library had to be created manually and test applications taken out of bin/.libs/ libtool folder copied doc files manually Fixed syntax of link flags in portaudio-2.0.pc: "-framework X" -> "-Wl,-framework,X" dmacks ripped out universal-build's not portable in fink using tar snapshot as latest release is from 2011. << License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald