Package: jzip Version: 2.1 Revision: 1021 Description: Infocom/Inform game interface Homepage: BuildDepends: libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), fink (>= 0.24.12-1) Depends: libncurses5-shlibs (>= 5.4-20041023-1006) License: BSD DescDetail: << John's Zcode InterPreter. Plays types 1-5 and 8 Infocom and Inform bytecode images (games) like Zork. Unicode/multicodepage support is planned. Can read Z-Code files that have been gzipped. Known problems: Segmentation fault upon quitting, otherwise it works fine. << DescUsage: << To play the truly original "dungeon" game, the data file you want is: - - Put zdungeon.z5 into /sw/share/zcode-games/ - jzip zdungeon.z5 To tell jzip to look elsewhere for game images: - tcsh% setenv INFOCOM_PATH /path/to/zcode-games - bash$ export INFOCOM_PATH=/path/to/zcode-games When saving a game file, note that it will be stored in the current directory. << Recommends: infocom-zork Suggests: frotz, inform, ztools Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/ Source-MD5: 4c03c95bec15e45477899c12a545fc1d PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 7d735037ff13d29dd6bb56265ac2c290 PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 NoSourceDirectory: true CompileScript: << make CC=gcc -f unixio.mak jzip ckifzs LIBS='-lncurses -lz -L%p/lib' OPTIMIZE='-O3 -g3 -prebind -ansi' CFLAGS='$(OPTIMIZE) -DPOSIX -DHAVE_GETOPT -DHARD_COLORS -DUSE_NCURSES_H -DUSE_ZLIB' ./jzip -z > license.txt << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin/ mkdir -p %i/share/zcode-games/ install -m 755 jzip %i/bin/ install -m 755 ckifzs %i/bin/ << DocFiles: license.txt Maintainer: None DescPort: << fileio.c patched to look for games in %p/share/zcode-games when user's INFOCOM_PATH env var is not set. unixio.c patched to add #includes: - unistd.h for "implicit declaration of function `select'" - ncurses.h and -lncurses for "implicit declaration of function `tgetflag'" Built with ncurses instead of termcap and enable supplied getopt. Presently only the ckifzs utility is prebound unless building with system-ncurses. Built with -g3 if anyone wants to try debugging the segfault;) <<