Package: liquidwar Version: 5.6.4 Revision: 1 Architecture: powerpc, i386 Description: Unique multiplayer wargame DescDetail: << Liquid War is a unique multiplayer wargame. Its rules are truly original and have been invented by Thomas Colcombet. You control an army of liquid and have to try and eat your opponents. A single player mode is available, but the game is definitely designed to be multiplayer, and has network support. << DescPort: << - Fix assembly for OS X's assembler. - Fullscreen mode only works with native 256-color graphics, which are not available on 10.5 and later. << License: GPL Maintainer: Dave Vasilevsky Homepage: ##### Depends: allegro4-shlibs (>= BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1), allegro4 (>=, libpng14, libvorbis0, libogg ##### Source: Source-MD5: 6917dd1026e6685404ffbd086f8ba374 ##### SetCFLAGS: -DALLEGRO_UNIX PatchScript: << # Assembler doesn't support .equ, long-loops perl -i -pe 's/^\s*\.equ/.set/; s/loopl\s+(\S+)/decl %%ecx\njne $1/' src/*.s << # Liquidwar has strange ideas about what assembler args should be ConfigureParams: --disable-doc-pdf --disable-doc-ps CompileScript: << ./configure %c make CMD_AS='gcc -c' GAMEDIR=%p/bin DATADIR=%p/share/%n << # Don't put things in %p/games! InstallScript: make install_nolink DESTDIR=%d GAMEDIR=%p/bin DATADIR=%p/share/%n ##### DocFiles: COPYING README InfoDocs: