Info2: << Package: pygobject2-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 2.20.0 Revision: 4 Description: Python bindings for the Glib2 gobject library DescDetail: << The original pygtk2-py binding set split into pygtk2-gtk-py and pygobject2-py << DescPort: << Fink's libffi fails self-tests on many fink platforms (new fails on 10.4/ppc and 10.6/i386 but passes on 10.6/x86_64, old passes on 10.4/ppc but fails on 10.6/i386). Only some fink platforms have system-supplied libffi (>= 10.5, not sure what version it has). Only used internally here, so just disable it to get build-everywhere unified package. << DescPackaging: << Self-test doesn't know how to search for dyld libs in build-dir, so must install package first before testing. Also, self-test requires gtk-pyXX, so have to avoid cyclic. The .dylib doesn't link against libpython...up to other packages to know to link that if they need it. See: Clean up .pc Requires.private: don't need entries that are not #included by public .h to avoid publishing useless and hidden InheritedBuildDepends. << Homepage: License: LGPL Maintainer: Daniel Macks BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.24.12-1), fink-package-precedence, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, glib2-dev (>= 2.22.0-1), pkgconfig (>= 0.23) << Depends: << %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), glib2-shlibs (>= 2.22.0-1), python%type_pkg[python] << Conflicts: pygtk2 Replaces: pygtk2, pygtk2-py%type_pkg[python] Source: mirror:gnome:sources/pygobject/2.20/pygobject-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 10e1fb79be3d698476a28b1e1b0c5640 Type: python (2.6 2.7) PatchFile: %{ni}.patch PatchFile-MD5: 915757db6c6b6c106aefd685c426b73c ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --enable-dependency-tracking PKG_CONFIG_PATH="%p/lib/glib-2.0/pkgconfig-strict:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" --without-ffi CompileScript: << PYTHON=%p/bin/python%type_raw[python] ./configure %c make fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep %n-dev . << #InfoTest: << # TestDepends: << # %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), # pygtk2-gtk-py%type_pkg[python] # << # TestScript: make check || exit 2 #<< InstallScript: << make -j1 install DESTDIR=%d pkgconfigdir=%p/lib/pkgconfig perl -ni -e 'print unless /Requires.private:/' %i/lib/pkgconfig/pygobject-2.0.pc << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: << glib2-shlibs (>= 2.22.0-1), python%type_pkg[python] << Files: << lib/libpyglib-2.0-python%type_raw[python].0.dylib << Shlibs: %p/lib/libpyglib-2.0-python%type_raw[python].0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 2.18.0-1) DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-dev Description: Tools for compiling against pygobject Depends: %N (>= %v-%r), %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDependsOnly: true # swap among %n variants, replace specific files in another package # (that is still viable!) that formerly had these files among others Conflicts: << pygobject2-py23-dev, pygobject2-py24-dev, pygobject2-py25-dev, pygobject2-py26-dev, pygobject2-py27-dev << Replaces: << pygtk2-py22-dev, pygtk2-py23-dev, pygobject2-py23-dev, pygtk2-py24-dev, pygobject2-py24-dev, pygtk2-py25-dev, pygobject2-py25-dev, pygobject2-py26-dev, pygobject2-py27-dev << Files: << bin include lib/pkgconfig lib/libpyglib-2.0-python%type_raw[python].dylib share/gtk-doc share/pygobject << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README << <<