Package: guile18-gui Version: 0.2 Revision: 1006 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1), guile18-dev (>= 1.6.7-1010), guile18 (>= 1.6.7-1010), guile18-libs (>= 1.6.7-1010) Depends: guile18-shlibs (>= 1.6.7-1010), guile18-gtk (>= 2.0-7) Source: Source-MD5: 89764951316dc60c21ecdb3a61242bb6 DocFiles: README AUTHORS NEWS COPYING Description: Guile gui scheme code DescDetail: << Guile-gui is a collection of Guile Scheme code that aims to implement a graphical user interface for Guile. Please send suggestions, contributions and bug reports to . Usuage: guile18-gui & . A GTK window should appear that contains a text area at the top and a (small) text entry widget at the bottom. You should be able to type Guile expressions into the entry widget in exactly the same way that you would type on the command line. In particular, parenthesis matching and history should both work as normal. Your input is echoed in a distinctive colour and font in the text area, and the text area also displays any output that results from the evaluation of your input. << PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 2b1b811752f7e72c332be37bf5cb7ea3 CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -efv export PATH=%p/share/guile/1.8/scripts/binoverride:$PATH ./configure --prefix=%i --with-gtk-prefix=%p export GUILE_LOAD_PATH=%p/share/guile/1.8 make << InstallScript: << #!/bin/bash -efv export PATH=%p/share/guile/1.8/scripts/binoverride:$PATH export GUILE_LOAD_PATH=%p/share/guile/1.8 mkdir -p %i/share/guile/1.8 make install mv %i/share/guile/gui %i/share/guile/1.8/gui mv %i/bin/guile-gui %i/bin/guile18-gui << License: GPL Maintainer: W. G. Scott Homepage: