# # lua51-lanes.info # # Fink package file, maintained by Asko Kauppi # # Packages: # lua51-lanes Multithreading support for Lua # # Todo: # # Bugs: # - ... # # Notes: # - The "-ev" parameter to scripts is giving quite a lot of (unnecessary?) # build output. Fink policy seems to be to have it; personally I would be # okay with just "-e". # # History: # AKa 10-Nov-2008: 2.0.2-0 'lua51' (for luac) added to BuildDepends # AKa 16-Oct-2008: Started # Package: lua51-lanes Version: 2.0.2 Revision: 0 BuildDepends: lua51-dev (>= 5.1.2-3), lua51 Depends: lua51-shlibs (>= 5.1.2-3) Conflicts: Replaces: # 2.0.2 Source: http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3792/lanes-%v.tgz Source-MD5: 62b0daadd2f4454bb0fbaeb06122a4de # 2.0.1 #Source: http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3767/lanes-%v.tgz #Source-MD5: 97bb0894615fff8d1249b4fc1d5c5ae7 # --- Description: Multithreading extension for Lua License: OSI-Approved Homepage: http://luaforge.net/projects/lanes/ Maintainer: Asko Kauppi DescDetail: << Lanes intends to provide 'the' solution for running Lua multithreaded, making maximum use of current multicore CPUs. The Lua level APIs are simple and there's no C side messing involved. << CompileScript: << make LUA=lua51 LUAC=luac51 << InstallScript: << make install LUA=lua51 LUAC=luac51 DESTDIR=%i << DocFiles: ABOUT BUGS CHANGES COPYRIGHT README TODO docs/index.html docs/multi.png