Package: python25-socket Version: 2.5.1 Revision: 3 Epoch: 1 Description: OBSOLETE: use python25 instead Maintainer: Daniel Macks BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.32) Depends: python25 (>= 1:2.5.1-3) RuntimeDepends: fink-obsolete-packages Type: nosource CompileScript: # InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/doc/installed-packages touch %i/share/doc/installed-packages/%n << SplitOff: << Package: %N-ssl Depends: python25 (>= 1:2.5.1-3) RuntimeDepends: fink-obsolete-packages InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/doc/installed-packages touch %i/share/doc/installed-packages/%n << << DescDetail: << As of 1:2.5.1-3, the socket modules, with ssl support, are in python25 itself and python25-socket and python25-socket-ssl are dummy packages that are no longer needed. << License: OSI-Approved Homepage: