Package: satk Version: 0.3.5-347 Revision: 1 Description: Sather-K Compiler Halle Architecture: powerpc, i386 License: GPL BuildDepends: mono-dev, gmp5 Depends: mono, gmp5-shlibs # Unpack Phase: Source: Source-MD5: 0dece59a285d3dcc0b63c584441a3fb7 SourceDirectory: %n-0.3 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cd src make CFLAGS=-L%p/lib << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev install -d %i/bin install bin/satk %i/bin install -d %i/lib/satk/lib install lib/* %i/lib/satk/lib << RuntimeVars: << SAKLIBPATH: %p/lib/satk/lib SAKCILCOMP: %p/bin/ilasm << DocFiles: CHANGES COPYING INSTALL README TODO examples DescDetail: << Sather-K Compiler Halle, version 0.3.5-347 << DescUsage: << Usage: satk [options] parameters Items marked with * may be repeated. Options: -il output intermediate language -l long error reporting -m string name of the main class, default is input filename in upper case -o string output to file, default is lower case name of mainclass with appropriate ending -Istring adds another file to the input stream. This option can be used more than once. * --help display this usage message Parameters: SourceFile Execute the program with: mono your_program.exe << Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler